Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[5692]Erasmus (II) Quellinus (designer), Petrus Clouwet (printmaker), St Hyacinth, holding a statue of the Virgin Mary and a monstrance, miraculously crossing the river DnieperSANCTVS HYACINTHVSmajusculetitle, caption or identification of motif
[5689]Erasmus (II) Quellinus (designer), Petrus Clouwet (printmaker), St Hyacinth, holding a statue of the Virgin Mary and a monstrance, miraculously crossing the river DnieperErasmus Quellinus pinxititalicssignature or reference to actordesigner
[5691]St Raymond of PenyafortTV DOMINARIS POTESTATI MARI[S]majusculecitation
[5690]Erasmus (II) Quellinus (designer), Petrus Clouwet (printmaker), St Hyacinth, holding a statue of the Virgin Mary and a monstrance, miraculously crossing the river DnieperPetr. Clouwet sculpsititalicssignature or reference to actorprintmaker
[5688]George Edwards (draughtsman), Wolverine. Part of Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)Edwardsminusculesignature or reference to actor
[5687]George Edwards (draughtsman), Wolverine. Part of Album originally containing 167 drawings of quadrupeds (London, BM)1735arabic numeraldate
[5684]St Raymond of Penyafort captioned as St Hyacinth (state II/III)Guerchin jn.italicssignature or reference to actordesigner
[5685]St Raymond of Penyafort captioned as St Hyacinth (state II/III)St HIACINTEmajusculetitle, caption or identification of motifrepresented person
[5686]St Raymond of Penyafort captioned as St Hyacinth (state II/III)G. Audran sculp. C.P.R.italicssignature or reference to actorprintmaker
[5683]Jost Amman (printmaker), Bear IV (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5682]Jost Amman (printmaker), Dog III (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5681]Jost Amman (printmaker), Dog I (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5680]Jost Amman (printmaker), Goat II (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5679]Jost Amman (printmaker), Tiger II (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5678]Jost Amman (printmaker), Elephant III (Feyerabend; Lechler). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5677]Jost Amman (printmaker), Elephant I (Feyerabend; Lechler). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5676]Jost Amman (printmaker), Cat II (Feyerabend). Part of Set for Schaller's Thierbuch (Feyerabend)IAmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[5675]Lothair III (Arnoullet). Part of Set of portrait medallions (Arnoullet)IMP CAES LOTTARIVS IImajusculecaption or identification of motif
[5674]Henry IV (Arnoullet). Part of Set of portrait medallions (Arnoullet)DN HENRICVS PF AVGmajusculecaption or identification of motif
[5673]Conrad II (Arnoullet). Part of Set of portrait medallions (Arnoullet)DN CONRADVS AVGmajusculecaption or identification of motif