Things – T17290

Epitaph of Stanisław Chroberski with predella, crowning and inscription

(Sandomierz, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

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1 of 1 • Maria z Dzieciątkiem - zwieńczenie epitafium Stanisława Chroberskiego
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      Piotr Łopatkiewicz argues that the crowning and predella originally were part of a retable and only subsequently were combined with Choberski's epitaph (ŁOPATKIEWICZ, Piotr. Tablicowe epitafium Stanisława Chroberskiego w katedrze sandomierskiej oraz Stanisław Tarło – jego fundator związany z Krosnem. Studia Pigoniana [online]. 31 January 2023, vol. 5, no 5, pp. 87–124. DOI 10.12775/SP.2022.005.)

    Created on
    • 2021-10-13 13:47

    Edited by
    • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec

    Last update by
    • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec (2023-06-27 21:41)