Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Thing Type Image
[T3747]Resurrection. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)paintingset or complex object: poliptych: wing or side paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3746]Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptych: central paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3745]Adoration of the Shepherds. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptych: wing or side paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3744]Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptychoilwoodmemorial painting1585 ‑ 15911585‑01‑011591‑12‑31
[T11605]Anton (I) Möller (painter), Resurrection. Part of Memorial for Albrecht von Kittlitz (Königsberg, Cathedral)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: piecewoodmemorial painting16041604‑01‑011604‑12‑31
[T17372]Assunta. Part of Epitaph of Stanisław Chroberski with predella, crowning and inscription (Sandomierz, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: piecetempera, gildingwoodmemorial painting
[T17290]Epitaph of Stanisław Chroberski with predella, crowning and inscription (Sandomierz, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)mixed mediaset or complex objecttempera, gildingwood, stonememorial painting1515 ‑ 15251515‑01‑011525‑12‑31
[T17320]Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Stans, Nidwaldner Museum)paintingsingle pieceoiltextile: canvasmemorial painting15911591‑01‑011591‑12‑31
[T17312]Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae (Grodków, parish church of St. Michael the Archangel)painting: panel paintingsingle pieceoilwoodmemorial painting16301630‑01‑011630‑12‑31
[T2378]Crucifixion. Part of Epitaph of Sebastian Trost (Toruń, church of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist)painting: panel paintingoilwood: oakmemorial painting1575 ‑ 15801575‑01‑011580‑12‑31
[T17377]Epitaph of Julian Chełmski (Cracow, Muzeum Historyczno-Misyjne Księży Misjonarzy)painting: panel paintingsingle piecetemperawoodmemorial painting1525 ‑ 15351525‑01‑011535‑12‑31
[T37960]Epitaph of Stanisław Chroberski. Part of Epitaph of Stanisław Chroberski with predella, crowning and inscription (Sandomierz, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptych: central paneltemperawoodmemorial painting9201120
[T17364]Votive painting of the murderers of Grzegorz the Knife Maker (Cracow, MNK, Pałac Erazma Ciołka)painting: panel paintingsingle piecetempera, gildingwoodmemorial painting1020136015321532‑01‑011532‑12‑31
[T17376]Epitaph of Jan Sakran (Cracow, Muzeum Historyczno-Misyjne Księży Misjonarzy)painting: panel paintingsingle piecetemperawoodmemorial painting1520 ‑ 15301520‑01‑011530‑12‑31
[T17345]Man of Sorrows with Mary and St John the Evangelist (Wrocław, Muzeum Archidiecezjalne)painting: panel paintingtemperawoodmemorial painting1480 ‑ 15201480‑01‑011520‑12‑31
[T11604]Memorial for Albrecht von Kittlitz (Königsberg, Cathedral)mixed mediaset or complex objectsculptingwoodmemorial painting
[T17324]Crucifixion - epitaph of an unknown family (Drohiczyn, Muzeum Diecezjalne)paintingmemorial painting1601 ‑ 16251601‑01‑011625‑12‑31
[T2377]Epitaph of Sebastian Trost (Toruń, church of St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist)mixed mediaset or complex objectoilwoodmemorial painting