Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Work Related Actors Related Places Genre Languages In-Urus Publications In-Urus Copies / inscribed Things
[W2115] Book of Sirach (בן סירא ; yid.) Religion: Bible Yiddish 1 1
[W2113] Merkevet ha-mishneh (Seyfer Rebi Anshl; מרכבת המשנה) Knowledge: Dictionary Yiddish, Ancient Hebrew 1 1
[W1988] Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen, Josippon (יוסיפון - Yosipon ; yid.), Michael Adam (translator) Michael Adam, Joseph ben Gorion, ha‑Kohen Knowledge: Chronicles and chorographies Yiddish 1 1
[W1626] New Testament (yid. ; Helicz's New Testament) Religion: Bible Yiddish 1 1