[1575] | Albrecht Dürer (printmaker), Four witches | 1497 | arabic numeral | date | |
[468] | Tomasz Treter (printmaker attr.), Bolesław the Bold. Part of Rulers of Poland and Lithuania (Treter's Regum Poloniae Icones) | 18 | arabic numeral | numbering | |
[4075] | Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas | KOWNA Palatinatus Trocensis | civitas aedificiorum | splendore confluxu | majuscule, minuscule | caption or identification of motif | |
[408] | Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (print publisher?), Aurochs (Ures) (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum) ◼ | 93 | handwritting | numbering | |
[4074] | Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas | KAVNA VVLGO kOWNO | majuscule, minuscule | caption or identification of motif, title | represented place |
[350] | Karel van Mander (designer), Zacharias Dolendo (printmaker), Multi-Figural Crucifixion | 10 | arabic numeral | numbering | |
[4100] | Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas | CHRONON OLIM . NVNC NIEMEN FLV | | | |
[311] | Karel van Mander (designer), Zacharias Dolendo (printmaker), Multi-Figural Crucifixion | M(ander) in(venit) Z(acharias) Do(olendo) sc(ulpsit) D(e) Gheyn excu(dit) | italics, interlaced, mirrored letter | signature or reference to actor | designer, print publisher, printmaker |
[4328] | Hans Baldung (printmaker), Wild Horses in a Forest. Part of Baldung's Wild horses in a forest | Io[hannes] BALDVNG | FECIT | 1534 | majuscule, arabic numeral | signature or reference to actor, date | |
[284] | Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Stanisław Pachołowiecki (draughtsman), Descriptio Ducatus Polocensis. Part of Cavalieri's Polotsk campaign of Stephen of Poland | In arma victricia Sereniss[imi] Stephani Poloniae regis felicis
Arcibus inclusus latuit cum milite Moschus:
Ales eum Stephani principis hinc pepulit.
Prosilit in campos: fugat hunc mucrone, cruorem
Barbaricum doctus fundere, regis eques.
Si tentabit aquas, uncum rex ecce tridentem
Fert – Moschum ex omni sic mala parte premunt.
Protere, maxime rex, Romani nominis hostem,
Quodque facis, Christi spargere perge Fidem!
Th o[mas] Tre[terus] Polonus | minuscule | dedication | dedicatee, dedicator |
[4327] | Hans Baldung (printmaker), Group of Seven Horses (Modena, Galleria Estense). Part of Baldung's Wild horses in a forest ◼ | BALDVNG [N in mirror image] 1534 | majuscule, arabic numeral, mirrored letter | signature or reference to actor, date | |
[241] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XXXVI (Alces Elend, Cervus mirabilis, Oryx Cervi species aliis Alco). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Alce. Elend. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[240] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XXXV (Cervus, Hippelaphus mas Ross Hirsch, Cervus Burgundic(us). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Cervus. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[2564] | Philips Galle (printmaker), Holy Trinity | Philippus Galluas fecit. | minuscule | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |
[1453] | Crispin Scharffenberg (printmaker), Sigismund I of Poland (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher) (Cracow, Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Maius) | C(rispin) S(charfenberg) | majuscule, monogram | signature or reference to actor | |
[212] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. III (Equus, Equus Aethiopicus). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Equus. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[211] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. VII (Elphas). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Elphas | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[210] | Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), Aquila SS. Patronorum regni Poloniae | Aquilla prouocans | ad uolandum pullos suos | italics | motto | |
[204] | Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae | TYPVS ECCLESIAE CATHOLICAE ... CATECHISMI | majuscule | caption or identification of motif, title, commentary or explanation | |
[203] | Diego Valadés (printmaker?), Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae | Unctio, Baptismus ... Johannes Calvinus | minuscule | caption or identification of motif | |