[947] | Tomasz Makowski (printmaker), Bit and horse in landscape V (Munsztuk dęty otworzysty z kotczą nogą) (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski). Part of Makowski's illustrations for Hippica (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski) | TM sc(ulpsit) | majuscule, italics, interlaced, monogram | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |
[946] | Tomasz Makowski (printmaker), Bit and horse in landscape IV (Munsztuk dęty na kształt tłuczka, otworzysty, z kurzą stopką) (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski). Part of Makowski's illustrations for Hippica (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski) | TM sc(ulpsit) | majuscule, italics, interlaced, monogram | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |
[945] | Tomasz Makowski (printmaker), Bit and horse in landscape III (Munsztuk dęty otworzysty z nakrzywioną czanką) (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski). Part of Makowski's illustrations for Hippica (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski) | TM sc(ulpsit) | majuscule, italics, interlaced, monogram | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |
[944] | Tomasz Makowski (printmaker), Bit and horse in landscape II (Munsztuk dęty z pochyłemi czankami) (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski). Part of Makowski's illustrations for Hippica (Piotrkowczyk; Rossowski) | TM sc(ulpsit) | majuscule, italics, interlaced, monogram | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |
[4342] | Squirrel (Sciurus). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 50 ◼ | Sciurus | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[2773] | Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Eruditio. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints) | 90 | arabic numeral | numbering | |
[891] | Tomasz Treter (printmaker attr.), Władysław III of Poland. Part of Rulers of Poland and Lithuania (Treter's Regum Poloniae Icones) | VVLADISLAVS V | majuscule | title | |
[890] | Tomasz Treter (printmaker attr.), Władysław II Jagiełło. Part of Rulers of Poland and Lithuania (Treter's Regum Poloniae Icones) | WLADISLAVS IIII IAGELLO | majuscule | title | |
[4341] | Guinea pig ([Cuniculus Indicus] albus). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 49 ◼ | [Cuniculus Indicus] Albus | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[846] | Dominicus Custos (printmaker), Stephen Báthory (Manger, Praetorius) | STEPHANVS D. G. REX POLONIAE MAGNVS DVX LITVANIAE etc. | majuscule, italics | title | |
[4340] | Guinea pig ([Cuniculus Indicus] alius). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 49 ◼ | [Cuniculus Indicus] Alius | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[850] | Leopolis. Part of Set for Heroico Splendore Delle Città Del Mondo (Lauro) | LEOPOLIS | Russiae Australis Vrbs primaria | emporium mercium Orientalium | celeberrimum | majuscule, italics | title | represented place |
[4339] | Coati (Mus Indicus a Brasavola). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 56 ◼ | Mus Indicus a Brasavola | Est Icheuon Bellonii. Basilaer Anno 603 mense Nov. similem vidi, sed colore minus rubebat, vocabatur quoque ichneumonem | italics | caption or identification of motif, signature or reference to actor, commentary or explanation | |
[819] | Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) | BEATA | SALOMEA | POLONA | Regina Haliciae, Ordinis | S(ancti) Francisci, Sepulta | Cracoviae | majuscule, italics | title | represented person |
[791] | Aurochs (Urus) (state I/II). Part of Set of Nova raccolta de li Animali piu curiosi del Mondo (Rossi) | Vrus Vro | | caption or identification of motif | |
[788] | Aurochs (Ures) (state I/II). Part of Set of Nova raccolta de li Animali piu curiosi del Mondo (Rossi) ◼ | Vres Vro | | caption or identification of motif | |
[784] | Natale Bonifacio (printmaker attr.), Scala coeli et inferni ex divo Bernardo (state I/II) | OPTIMA PRVDENS ELIGE | majuscule | motto | |
[4338] | Mouse (?). In Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Bibliotheek), fol. 56 ◼ | [Ma?]us as sceleton | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[759] | Maarten de Vos (designer), Hieronymus Wierix (printmaker), Eduard van Hoeswinckel (print publisher), Pieter van den Keere (print publisher), Entry into Jerusalem in a floral border with putti. Part of Set of Passion Scenes (Vos; Wierix; Hoeswinckel) | GLORIA || HOSANNA IN || EXCELSIS | majuscule, [shapes] | commentary or explanation, citation | |
[762] | Augustin Braun (designer), Jacques Granthomme (printmaker), Peter Overadt (print publisher), St John Cantius adoring Mary and Child, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, surrounded by scenes from his life (Overadt). Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) | Iacques Grand incidebat | italics | signature or reference to actor | printmaker |