[301] | Albrecht Altdorfer (printmaker), Adoration of the Kings. Part of Altdorfer's Fall and Redemption of Man | A(lbrecht) A(ltdorfer) | majuscule, monogram | signature or reference to actor | |
[300] | Albrecht Altdorfer (printmaker), Flight into Egypt. Part of Altdorfer's Fall and Redemption of Man | A(lbrecht) A(ltdorfer) | majuscule, monogram | signature or reference to actor | |
[297] | Giacomo Lauro (printmaker), Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (Fei) (Rome, ICG) | Polon(ia) Min(or) | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[294] | Lublin (Lauro). Part of Set for Heroico Splendore Delle Città Del Mondo (Lauro) | 1. Ecclesia S. Crucis extra Ciuitate(m) ... 28. T. S. Ioannis Baptistae | italics | commentary or explanation | |
[289] | Tomasz Treter (designer), Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Allegory of the sign of the cross | Io(annes) baptista de Cavaleriis incidebat Anno D(omini) 1574 | arabic numeral, minuscule | signature or reference to actor, date | printmaker |
[288] | Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (printmaker), Stanisław Pachołowiecki (draughtsman), Descriptio Ducatus Polocensis. Part of Cavalieri's Polotsk campaign of Stephen of Poland | Joa[nnes] Baptista de Cavalleriis Romae typis aeneis incidebat Anno Domini 1580. | minuscule | signature or reference to actor, address or reference to place, date | place of production, printmaker |
[286] | Tomasz Treter (designer), Tomasz Treter (printmaker?), Reges Poloniae | AD SIGISMVNDVM TERTIVM/ POLONIAE REGVM INVICTISS./ AQVULA POLONICA/ Dum tu Catholicam Fidem tueris, Omnis Nobiliatas, Senatus omnis, / Decernit tibi Regios honores,/ Imponit capiti tuo Coronam, Totam metibi deuouet dictque. Quid tu. Perficis, ut beatior sim, Ut victorix ferar aliore penna. Ut nomen volitet meum per orbem. Ergo grate vices rependo; nomen, SIGISMVNDE, tuum utvolet per Orbem.” „Regumte numero Polonicorum/ Adscriptum populos fera pomnes,/ Amplexugie tenebo pertinaci./ Pracello velut alites volatu;/ Pracellam quo que vocibus canoris./ Aeternum tua facta praedicabo;/ Priscae Religionis alme CVLTOR,/ SYDVS nominis unicum POLONI,/ Nostrae SP […], COLVMEN, DECVS Salutis,/ Libertatis amator, atque VINDEX/ IAGELLONIADVM propago VIVE./ Tho. Treteri Polonij/ ANNO.M.D.LXXXVIII. ROMAE. | majuscule, roman numeral, minuscule | title, dedication, address or reference to place, date, caption or identification of motif | dedicatee, dedicator, place of production |
[270] | Antonio Tempesta (designer), Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state I/II) | Hic Simon Petrus... | italics | commentary or explanation, caption or identification of motif | |
[271] | Philips Galle (printmaker), Stanisław Hozjusz (state I/II) | STANISLAVS HOSIVS CARDINALIS EPISCOPVS / VARMIENSIS CONC(ilii) TIIDE(n)T(ini) PRAESES / Instrus patria, pugnat, pietate, geriq(ue) ... | majuscule, italics | commentary or explanation, caption or identification of motif | represented person |
[269] | Giacomo Lauro (printmaker), Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life III (Lauro) | Cum Priuilegio Summi Pontificis | | privilege | |
[279] | Livio Sanuto (designer), Giulio Sanuto (printmaker), Tabula Europae IIII (Valgrisi; Ziletti; Sessa). Part of Set of Sanutos' maps for Ruscelli's Ptolemy (Valgrisi; Ziletti; Sessa) | ALCES VRVS BISONS | majuscule | caption or identification of motif | |
[258] | Tabl. I (2. piloe Juvencarum / 1. Bos / 4. Bos Sylvestris Norwegiae / 3. Bos Gibbo Camelino / 5. Vacca Marina / 6. Vituli Situs in Vitero / 7. Membrana Foetum Continens Cum Cotyledonibus / 8. Membrana Uteri Interna pva Foetus continetur). Part of Set of engraved illustrations to Aldrovandi's Historia quadrupedum | Bos. 1. | | caption or identification of motif | |
[250] | Caspar Merian (printmaker), Tab. XLIV (Dromedarius, Camelus). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Dromedarius | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[257] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XLIX (Gryps Gryphus, Hippopotamus Wasser Ochs, Hippopotamus). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Gryps. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[255] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XLV (Lea Capra, Ouis Cretensis, Camelo-Pardalis). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Lea Capra | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[253] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XLVII (Verres Eber, Aper Wildschwein, Scrofa Mock). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Aper. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[254] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XLVIII (Sus Cornu, Porcus pumilo Taxus porcin(us), Aper Wildschwein). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Sus cornut. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[244] | Workshop of Matthäus Merian the Elder (printmaker), Tab. XXX (Taurus Peonius, Alces, Alce Elend geschlecht). Part of Set of illustrations to Jonston's Historia quadrupedum (Merian) | Taurus. Peonius. | italics | caption or identification of motif | |
[281] | Monogrammist HG (blockcutter), Portrait of Johannes Draconites (Kolbe; Richolff; Dietz; Daubmann) | דכרת לאלת׳לטךבתן | NON DESERAM TE NEC TE NEGLIGAM | (...) | DV HAST MICH ERLOST TREWER GOT | majuscule, greek alphabet, hebrew alphabet | motto | |
[280] | Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), Assumption of Mary surrounded by fourteen scenes of martyrdoms of the holy virgins | S. Christina Virg. et Mart. | | caption or identification of motif | |