Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[4772]David Kandel (printmaker), Monogrammist FO (blockcutter attr.), Building of the Tower of Babel (Krebs). Part of Set for Francisco de Enzinas's Spanish BibleFOmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4771]David Kandel (printmaker), Monogrammist FO (blockcutter attr.), Building of the Tower of Babel (Krebs). Part of Set for Francisco de Enzinas's Spanish BibleDKmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4770]David Kandel (printmaker), Monogrammist FO (blockcutter attr.), God's Covenant with Noah and Drunkenness of Noah (Krebs). Part of Set for Francisco de Enzinas's Spanish BibleFOmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4769]David Kandel (printmaker), Monogrammist FO (blockcutter attr.), God's Covenant with Noah and Drunkenness of Noah (Krebs). Part of Set for Francisco de Enzinas's Spanish BibleDKmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4768]Jan (I) Sadeler (printmaker), Vision of St HyacinthI. Sadeler sculp. Venetijsitalicssignature or reference to actor, address or reference to placeplace of production, printmaker
[4767]Jan (I) Sadeler (printmaker), Vision of St HyacinthS. IACINTVS POLONVS S. DO[m]I[n]ICI SOCIVS ET DISCIPVLVS, ET ODRINI PRAEDICATOR[um] | PRIMVS IN SEPTENTRIONE FVNDATORmajusculecommentary or explanation, title, caption or identification of motifrepresented person
[4766]Kazimierz Andrzej Niedbałowicz (printmaker), Vision of Karol FrankoVENERABILIS SERVVS ... BAPTISTAEmajusculecommentary or explanation, caption or identification of motifrepresented person
[4765]Kazimierz Andrzej Niedbałowicz (printmaker), Vision of Karol FrankoDomine creasti me cum nihill esse | redemisti immeritu[m] salva quoqu[e] indignu[m]italicsprayer text
[4764]Kazimierz Andrzej Niedbałowicz (printmaker), Vision of Karol FrankoVado, Vado, Mater meaitalicsprayer text
[4763]Kazimierz Andrzej Niedbałowicz (printmaker), Vision of Karol FrankoNiedbałowicz sculpsit Leopoliitalicssignature or reference to actor, address or reference to placeplace of production, printmaker
[4762]Device of Piotr of Poznań (Skalski)LARGA MANV MEDICA HERBA NVBE MINISTRA VIVENS ET MORIENSmajusculemotto
[4761]Title Page Decoration with Holy Trinity Blessing Spheres with Planets and the Map of the World (Skalski)CRACO|VIAE ANNO D | 1613majuscule, arabic numeraladdress or reference to place, dateplace of production
[4760]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)MLFmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4759]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)STMmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4758]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Attempt to Stone Christ. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)MLFmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4757]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Attempt to Stone Christ. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)STMmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4755]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Parable of the Good Samaritan. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)STMmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4756]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Parable of the Good Samaritan. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)MLFmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4754]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Christ and the Woman Accused of Adultery. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)MLFmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[4753]Christoph Murer (printmaker attr.), Monogrammist MLF (blockcutter attr.), Christ and the Woman Accused of Adultery. Part of Set of Murer's biblical scenes (Krebs)STMmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor