Actors (Persons, groups, and corporations, both contemporary and historical)
ID Actor Type Role
[A3330]Roxelana (ca 1504 - 15 April 1558)personrepresented actor
[A3477]John Royce (18th c. : fl. 1780 - 1794)person
[A1964]Jan Rozdrażewski (ca 1543 - 1600)persontranslator
[A2078]Stanisław Różanka (ca 1520 - 1572)personrecipient
[A239]Birte Rubachpersonauthor
[A3482]Peter Paul Rubens (28 June 1577 - 30 May 1640)persondesigner, draughtsman
[A2196]Pavol Rubigall (ca 1510 - ca 1577)personauthor
[A419]Oleksii Rudenkopersonauthor
[A1399]Szymon Rudnicki (1552 - 1621)persondedicatee, represented actor
[A1200]Rudolf I of Germany (1 May 1218 - 15 July 1291)personrepresented actor
[A2031]Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (18 July 1552 - 20 January 1612)persondedicatee, represented actor
[A2866]Martin Rudolph (16th c.)person
[A1492]Andrzej Rudowski (born after 1440 - died 1502)personcommissioner, represented actor
[A902]Jakob Ruf (ca 1505 - 1558)personauthor
[A2000]Marcin Ruff (16th c.)personauthor
[A1654]Simprecht Ruff (fl. 1517 - 1526)personprinter
[A1845]Pedro Ruiz de Moros (ca 1506 - 23/29 April 1571)personauthor, dedicatee
[A2581]Hans Rumpolt (fl. since 1550/1565)personprint publisher
[A2967]Marx Rumpolt (16th c.)personauthor, printer
[A2625]Rupert of Deutz (ca 1175/80 - ca 1129)personauthor