Actors (Persons, groups, and corporations, both contemporary and historical)
ID Actor Type Role
[A934]Georg Rörer (1 October 1492 - 24 April 1557)personauthor, compiler, editor
[A204]Agnieszka Rosales Rodríguezpersoneditor
[A3001]Giulio Roscio (ca 1550 - 1591)person
[A1639]Petrus Roselli (fl. 1446 - 1468)personauthor
[A417]Johannes Rosinus (died 1545)personauthor
[A835]Domenico de' Rossi (1647 - ca 1729)personprint publisher
[A575]Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (1627 - 1691)persondedicator, print publisher, printmaker
[A1511]Lorenzo Rossi (fl. 1482 - 1521)personprinter
[A464]Eucharius Rösslin (ca 1470 - 23 September 1526)personauthor, compiler, represented actor
[A1444]Jan Rossowski (died 1634)personprinter
[A1348]Caspar Rotelius (fl. 1623 - 1656)personprinter
[A887]Erasmus Rotenbucher (ca 1525 - 1586)personauthor
[A931]Erasmus Roterodamus (28 October 1466 or 1469 - 12 July 1536)personadapter, author, dedicator, represented actor
[A698]Johann Roth (30 November 1426 - 21 January 1506)personrepresented actor
[A2375]Christian Lorenzen Rothgiesser (died 1659 : fl. 1630 - 1659)personprintmaker
[A914]Friedrich Roth-Scholtz (17 September 1687 - 15 January 1736)personprint publisher
[A684]Michael Roting (1494 - 22 May 1588)personauthor, translator
[A2978]Guillaume Rouillé (ca 1518 - 20 June 1589)personprinter
[A324]Alessandro Rovettapersonauthor
[A3586]Henry Rowlands (1655 - 1723)person