Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Publication Related Actors Related Places Genre Languages Format Type Work In-Urus Copies
[Pb22378] Jerome of Stridon, Inventarium primae [-tertiae] partis epistolarum sancti Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), 1508 Jacques Sacon Lyon Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1
[Pb22376] Jerome of Stridon, Epistolare beati Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Basel: Nicolaus Kesler (printer), 8 August 1492 Nicolaus Kesler Basel Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1
[Pb22377] Jerome of Stridon, Liber Epistolarum Sancti Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Basel: Nicolaus Kesler (printer), 1497 Nicolaus Kesler Basel Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1