Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
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[Pb16546] Simon Verepaeus, Catholicvm Precationvm Selectissimarvm Enchiridion, Antwerp: Elisabeth Commers (printer), Heirs of Joannes Bellerus (printer), 1603 Elisabeth Commers, Heirs of Joannes Bellerus Antwerp Religion: Prayer book Latin 16o Precationum piarum enchiridion 1
[Pb16542] Simon Verepaeus, Catholijck hantboecxke[n] van godtvruchtighe ghebeden, Antwerp: Elisabeth Commers (printer), Heirs of Joannes Bellerus (printer), 1601 Elisabeth Commers, Heirs of Joannes Bellerus Antwerp Religion Dutch/Flemish 12o Catholiek handboekje van godvruchtige gebeden 1
[Pb16544] Simon Verepaeus, Precationvm Piarvm Enchiridion, Antwerp: Joannes Bellerus (printer attr.), 1575 Joannes Bellerus Antwerp Religion: Prayer book Latin Precationum piarum enchiridion 1
[Pb16545] Simon Verepaeus, Catholicvm Precationvm Selectissimarvm Enchiridion, Antwerp: Joannes Bellerus (printer), 1598 Joannes Bellerus Antwerp Religion: Prayer book Latin Precationum piarum enchiridion 1
[Pb16543] Simon Verepaeus, Precationvm Piarvm Enchiridion, Antwerp: Joannes Bellerus (printer), 1577 Joannes Bellerus Antwerp Religion: Prayer book Latin Precationum piarum enchiridion 1