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[Pb8664] Jan van Campen, Ex varijs libellis Eliae Grammaticorum omnium doctissimi huc fere congestu[m] est ..., Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 25 May 1534 Piotr Tomicki, Florian Ungler Cracow Knowledge Latin, Ancient Hebrew 8o Ex variis libellis Eliae grammaticorum 1
[Pb20326] Joseph ben Ephraim Karo, Shulchan Aruch (שלחן ערוך), Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1577 - 1578 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Law Ancient Hebrew 2o Shulchan Aruch (שֻׁלְחָן עָרוּך) 1
[Pb20314] Joseph ben Ephraim Karo, Shulchan Aruch (שלחן ערוך), Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1594 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Law Ancient Hebrew 2o Shulchan Aruch (שֻׁלְחָן עָרוּך) 1
[Pb20315] Merkeves hamishne, Cracow: Andrzej (Shemu’el) Helicz (printer), Jan (Elyakim) Helicz (printer), Paweł (Asher) Helicz (printer), 1530 - 1536 Jan (Elyakim) Helicz, Paweł (Asher) Helicz, Andrzej (Shemu’el) Helicz Cracow Knowledge: Dictionary Yiddish, Ancient Hebrew Merkevet ha-mishneh (Seyfer Rebi Anshl; מרכבת המשנה) 1
[Pb20313] Bahya ben Asher, רבינו בחיי : ביאור על התורה... ומוגהה מחדש מהעתק ישן ומדוייק עם עיון נמרץ, Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1610 - 1613 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Religion: Exegesis Ancient Hebrew 2o Commentary on the Torah (מדרש רבינו בחיי על התורה) 1
[Pb19410] Moses Isserles, Torat ha-hatat, Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1569 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Law Ancient Hebrew Torat ha-hatat (תורת חטאת) 1
[Pb19408] Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen, Josippon, Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1589 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Knowledge: Chronicles and chorographies Ancient Hebrew Josippon (ספר יוסיפון - Sefer Yosipon ; hbo.) 1
[Pb20312] Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi, ספר רב אלפס, Cracow: Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz (printer), 1597 Isaac ben Aaron Prostitz Cracow Law Ancient Hebrew 2o Sefer ha-Halachot (ספר ההלכות) 1
[Pb8187] Jan Cervus, Institvtiones Grammaticae Ioannis Cerui Tucholiensis ..., Cracow: Florian Ungler (printer), 1533 Florian Ungler Cracow Knowledge German, Latin, Polish, Ancient Hebrew 8o Institutiones grammaticae 1
[Pb9908] Johannes Draconites, Hagaevs Propheta E Lingva Sancta In Latinam Versvs Ac Explicatvs, Lübeck: Johann (I) Balhorn (printer), 1 July 1549 Johann (I) Balhorn Lübeck Religion: Exegesis Latin, Ancient Hebrew 2o Hagaeus Propheta e lingua sancta in Latinam versus ac explicatus 1