Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Publication Related Actors Related Places Genre Languages Format Type Work In-Urus Copies
[Pb22378] Jerome of Stridon, Inventarium primae [-tertiae] partis epistolarum sancti Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Lyon: Jacques Sacon (printer), 1508 Jacques Sacon Lyon Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1
[Pb22376] Jerome of Stridon, Epistolare beati Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Basel: Nicolaus Kesler (printer), 8 August 1492 Nicolaus Kesler Basel Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1
[Pb22377] Jerome of Stridon, Liber Epistolarum Sancti Hieronymi, Theodorus Laelius (adapter), Basel: Nicolaus Kesler (printer), 1497 Nicolaus Kesler Basel Letter Latin 2o Epistolae 1
[Pb20085] Andrzej Krzycki, Andreae Cricii Episcopi Premislien[sis] ad Ioannem Antoniu[m] Pulleonem [...] de negotio Prutenico Epistola, Cracow: Hieronim Wietor (printer), 1525 Hieronim Wietor Cracow Letter Latin De negotio Prutenico Epistola 1
[Pb2771] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanislaus Hosius to Catherine Jagiellon Letter Letter of Stanislaus Hosius to Catherine Jagiellon 1
[Pb2779] Jerónimo Osório, Letter of Jéronimo Osório to Stanisław Hozjusz Letter Latin Letter of Jéronimo Osório to Stanisław Hozjusz 1
[Pb2774] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Charles de Guise Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Charles de Guise (3 April 1573) 1
[Pb8486] Bonifacius Amerbach, Amerbach's letter to à Lasco (19 May 1527), 19 May 1527 Letter Latin Amerbach's letter to à Lasco (19 May 1527) 1
[Pb16851] Francesco Filelfo, Francisci Philelphi breviores elegantioresque Epistole omnibus qui pure et latine scribere cupuint muleu utiles et necessarie, Cracow: Jan Haller (printer), 1513 Jan Haller Cracow Letter Latin 4o Breviores elegantioresque Epistole omnibus 1
[Pb2778] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Jéronimo Osório Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Jéronimo Osório 1
[Pb8923] Cicero, Epistolarvm M[arci] T[ullii] Ciceronis, Liber Decimvs Qvartvs & Decimus Sextvs, Poznań: Melchior Nering (printer), 1577 Melchior Nering Poznań Letter Latin 8o Epistolarum liber decimus quartus et decimus sextus 1
[Pb645] Friedrich von Heydeck, An den Hochwirdigen ... Herrn Walthern von Blettenbergk ..., Königsberg: Hans Weinreich (printer), 1526 Hans Weinreich Königsberg Letter German 4o An den Hochwirdigen Herrn Walthern von Blettenbergk 1
[Pb610] Jerome of Stridon, Epistole vulgare, Niccolò di Berto (translator), Ferrara: Lorenzo Rossi (printer), 12 October 1497 Lorenzo Rossi Ferrara Letter Italian 2o Epistole 1
[Pb2763] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Carlo Borromeo Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Carlo Borromeo 1
[Pb44] Jerónimo Osório, Epistolografia, Sebastião Tavares de Pinho (editor), António Guimarães Pinto (editor) Sebastião Tavares de Pinho, António Guimarães Pinto Coimbra Letter Latin Epistolografia
[Pb2782] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Henry I of Poland Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Henry I of Poland (1574) 1
[Pb2775] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Henry I of Poland Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Henry I of Poland (2 June 1573) 1
[Pb2780] Jerónimo Osório, Letter of Jéronimo Osório to Stanisław Hozjusz Letter Latin Letter of Jéronimo Osório to Stanisław Hozjusz 1
[Pb2764] Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Carlo Borromeo Letter Latin Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Carlo Borromeo 1
[Pb2768] Jadwiga Mielecka, née Kormanicka, Letter of Jadwiga Mielecka to Giacomo Lauro Letter Letter of Jadwiga Mielecka to Giacomo Lauro 1