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[Pb851] Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, Antwerp: Christophe Plantin (printer), 1575 Christophe Plantin Antwerp Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Latin Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis 1
[Pb277] Officivm Abo Godziny Blogosławioney Panny Mariey ..., Jakub Wujek (translator); Jakub Wujek (editor), Cracow: Andrzej (I) Piotrkowczyk (printer), 1598 Andrzej (I) Piotrkowczyk, Jakub Wujek Cracow Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Polish 12o Officium albo Godziny błogosławionej Panny Marii 1
[Pb9550] Officivm Abo Godziny Błogoslawioney Panny Maryey ..., Jakub Wujek (translator); Jakub Wujek (editor), Cracow: Cecylia Salomea Schmidel, née Piotrkowczyk, primo voto Massini (printer), 1653 Cecylia Salomea Schmidel, née Piotrkowczyk, primo voto Massini, Jakub Wujek Cracow Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Polish 12o Officium albo Godziny błogosławionej Panny Marii 1
[Pb6920] Chasoslovets (Часослов), Cracow: Schweipolt Fiol (printer), 1491 Schweipolt Fiol Cracow Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Church Slavonic 4o Book of Hours (Часослов) 1
[Pb8014] Book of Hours, Use of Rome (the 'Hours of Joanna I of Castile' or the 'Hours of Joanna the Mad') Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Latin Book of Hours, Use of Rome (the 'Hours of Joanna I of Castile' or the 'Hours of Joanna the Mad') 1
[Pb730] Horaria Commemoratio Dominice Passionis, Mainz, St. Viktor vor Mainz: Franz Behem (printer), 1547 Franz Behem Mainz, St. Viktor vor Mainz Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours Latin Horaria Commemoratio Dominice Passionis 1