[W30] | Ambroży Grabowski, Starożytności historyczne polskie | Ambroży Grabowski | | | Secondary source | Polish | 1 | |
[W279] | Eustachy Trepka, Catechismus to jest zupełna nauka Chrześcijańska | Eustachy Trepka | | Religion: Catechism | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W929] | Eustachy Trepka, Książki o tym, skąd wzięło początek słowo Boże | Eustachy Trepka | | Religion: Polemical theology | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1308] | Peter Canisius, Summa Doctrinae Christianae | Peter Canisius | | Religion: Catechism | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W635] | Publius Vergilius Maro, Bucolica | Publius Vergilius Maro | | Belles‑lettres | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1416] | Der groß Catechismus und Kinderlere, Johann Spangenberg (adapter) | Johann Spangenberg | | Religion: Catechism | German | 1 | 1 |
[W1319] | Baltazar Behem, Codex picturatus Balthasaris Behem | Baltazar Behem | | | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W56] | Maciej Miechowita, Chronica Polonorum | Maciej Miechowita | | Knowledge: Chronicles and chorographies | Latin | 2 | 4 |
[W35] | Peter Canisius, Institutiones christianae pietatis seu Parvus catechismus catholicorum | Peter Canisius | | Religion: Catechism | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W636] | Publius Vergilius Maro, Georgica | Publius Vergilius Maro | | Belles‑lettres | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W194] | Officium albo Godziny błogosławionej Panny Marii, Jakub Wujek (translator) | Jakub Wujek | | Religion: Prayer book: Book of Hours | Polish | 2 | 2 |
[W125] | Michael Helding, Catechismus catholicus | Michael Helding | | Religion: Catechism | Latin | 2 | 2 |
[W27] | Michael Helding, Catechismus christliche Unterweisung und gegründeter Bericht nach wahrer katholischer Lehre ... | Michael Helding | | Religion: Catechism | German | 3 | 3 |
[W1408] | Martin Luther, Das Gebet Mose des Mans Gottes, Johann Spangenberg (translator) | Johann Spangenberg, Martin Luther | | Religion: Exegesis | German | 1 | 1 |
[W37] | Andreas Schott, Hispaniae Bibliotheca seu de Academiis ac bibliothecis item elogia et nomenclator clarorum Hispaniae scriptorum, tomis III distincta | Andreas Schott | | | Latin | 1 | |
[W617] | Nicolas Chesneau (Querculus), Nicolai Querculi Phaleucium ad lectorem | Nicolas Chesneau (Querculus) | | Religion: Song | Latin | 2 | 2 |
[W800] | Harold Edwin Wethey, The Paintings of Titian, vol. 1: The Religious Paintings | Harold Edwin Wethey | | | Secondary source | English | | |
[W100] | Diego Valadés, Rhetorica Christiana | Diego Valadés | | Religion | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W621] | Stanisław Hozjusz, Letter of Stanisław Hozjusz to Charles de Guise (3 April 1573) | Charles de Guise, Stanisław Hozjusz | | Letter | Latin | 2 | 1 |
[W1247] | Cicero, Epistolarum liber decimus quartus et decimus sextus | Cicero | | Letter | Latin | 1 | 1 |