[W1501] | Grzegorz Snopek of Szamotuły, Processus iuris brevior | Grzegorz Snopek of Szamotuły | Cracow | Law | Latin | 3 | 3 |
[W1160] | Bartolomej Georgijević, Pro fide Christiana cum Turca disputationis descriptio | Bartolomej Georgijević | | Religion: Polemical theology | Latin | 2 | 2 |
[W431] | Simon Schweder, Preussisch Rechenbuch, von aller Kauffmanschafft der Landt, auff der Feder und Linien, Inhalt eines ordentlichen Registers | Simon Schweder | | Knowledge | German | 1 | 1 |
[W1496] | Michał of Wiślica, Praktyka Gwiazd na rok 1536 | Michał of Wiślica | | Knowledge: Astronomy | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1518] | Praecipui errores doctrinae christianae, de quibus hoc tempore maxime dimicatur cum Papisticis doctoribus, breviter collecti, Albertus Vidavianus (compiler) | Albertus Vidavianus | | Collective work | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W380] | Anton Brelochs, Practica Teutsch auff das 1547 Jare | Anton Brelochs | | Knowledge: Astronomy | German | 1 | 1 |
[W817] | Anton Brelochs, Practica deutsch auf das 1548 Jahre durch Anotnium Brelochsum gemacht | Anton Brelochs | | Knowledge: Astronomy | German | 1 | 1 |
[W1273] | Teodor Zawacki, Porządek i rozrodzenie książąt i królów polskich | Teodor Zawacki | | Knowledge: Chronicles and chorographies | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1736] | Missale Plocense | | | Religion: Liturgy: Missal | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1382] | Polskie książeczki wielmi potrzebne ku uczeniu się polskiego | | | Knowledge | German, Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W555] | Poetae bucolici et didactici graece et latine | | | Belles‑lettres | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1031] | Plutarch, Bioi Paralleloi (Βίοι Παράλληλοι) | Plutarch | | | Greek, Ancient (to 1453) | 1 | 1 |
[W947] | Stanisław Grochowski, Pieśni na fest ucieszny Dymitra Iwanowica i Mniszkowny | Stanisław Grochowski | | Occasional literature: Epithalamium | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1061] | Pieśń o narodzeniu Pańskim na świat | | | Religion: Song | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1062] | Pieśń o narodzeniu Pańskim | | | Religion: Song | Polish | 2 | 2 |
[W329] | Piesně chwal Božskych | | | Religion: Song | Czech | 2 | 2 |
[W1716] | Pieśń o zmartwychwstaniu pana Krystusowym | | | Religion: Song | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1460] | Judicium na wieczne czasy trwałe, prawdziwe a krotochwilne | | | | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W1227] | John of Głogów, Phisinomia hincinde ex illustribus scriptoribus recollecta | John of Głogów | | Knowledge | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W409] | Valerius Cordus, Pharmacorum conficiendorum ratio vulgo vocant dispensatorium | Valerius Cordus | | Knowledge: Medicine | Latin | 1 | 1 |