[W2109] | De Warachtighe Fabulen der Dieren | | | Belles‑lettres | Dutch/Flemish | 1 | 1 |
[W182] | Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł, Peregrynacja albo pielgrzymowanie do Ziemi Świętej, Andrzej Wargocki (translator) | Andrzej Wargocki | | Knowledge: Travel | Polish | 5 | 5 |
[W439] | Clemens Fricke, Musae missae ad nuptias nobilitate et virtute praestantis domini Sebastiani Brulleheferi et virginis Margaretae, filiae Casparis a Nostitz | Clemens Fricke | | Occasional literature: Epithalamium | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W432] | Philip Melanchthon, Catechismus das ist ein Kinderlehr, Kaspar Brusch (translator) | Kaspar Brusch, Philip Melanchthon | | Religion: Catechism | German | 2 | 2 |
[W206] | Ulisse Aldrovandi, De quadrupedibus solidipedibus | Ulisse Aldrovandi | | Knowledge: Zoology | Latin | 2 | 2 |
[W1263] | Sebastian Münster, Appendix geographica | Sebastian Münster | | Knowledge: Geography | Latin | 3 | 3 |
[W1261] | Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geographica enarratio, Willibald Pirckheimer (translator) | Willibald Pirckheimer, Claudius Ptolemaeus | | Knowledge: Geography | Latin | 4 | 4 |
[W1360] | Paweł Piasecki, Chronica gestorum in Europa singularium | Paweł Piasecki | | Knowledge: Chronicles and chorographies | Latin | 2 | 2 |
[W2108] | Folgt die Historie wie das Bild der Jungfrau... | | | Religion | German | 1 | 1 |
[W2106] | Peter of Spain (identical with John XXI?), Textus septem tractatuum Petri Hispani per tractatus et capitula distinctus | Peter of Spain (identical with John XXI?) | | Knowledge | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W2105] | Andrzej Krzycki, De negotio Prutenico Epistola | Andrzej Krzycki, Giovanni Antonio Buglio | | Letter | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W2104] | Valentin Eck, De divo Alexio patricio Romano hymnus Saphicus | Valentin Eck | | Religion: Hagiography | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W2102] | Liber VII | | | Knowledge | Latin | 5 | 4 |
[W2101] | Mikołaj Rej, Warwas z Lupusem | Mikołaj Rej | | Belles‑lettres | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W2100] | Book of Psalms (pol.) | | | Religion: Bible | Polish | 2 | 3 |
[W2099] | Tiedeman Giese, Flosculorum Lutheranorum de fide et operibus anthīlogikon | Tiedeman Giese | | Religion: Polemical theology | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W2098] | Sebald Heyden, Puerilium colloquiorum formulae | Sebald Heyden | | Knowledge | German, Hungarian, Latin, Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W2097] | Nikolaus Schelner, Rozmaite piękne a przyjemne rozmowy polskie i niemieckie | Nikolaus Schelner | | Knowledge | German, Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W2096] | Kasper Miaskowski, Pielgrzym wielkanocny albo rozmowa podróżnych z Jeruzalem do Emmaus | Kasper Miaskowski | | Religion | Polish | 1 | 1 |
[W596] | Piotr Skarga, Żywoty Świętych | Piotr Skarga | | Religion: Hagiography | Polish | 5 | 5 |