[W2410] | André Baião, De modo legendi cardiographiam | André Baião | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1896] | Wacław Grodecki, In Tabulam Poloniae a se descriptam nuncupatoria ... Philippi Melanchthonis in eandem Poloniae Chorographiam Commendatoria Epistola. Accessit index ..., Melanchthon Philipp | Philip Melanchthon, Wacław Grodecki | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W1841] | Giacomo Lauro, Dedication and captions for Bellum inter Polonum et Turcam anno Domini 1621 | Giacomo Lauro, Władysław IV of Poland | | Art: Image explanation | Italian | 1 | 1 |
[W1118] | Erclerung der Preussischen grössern Landtaffel oder Mappen | | | Art: Image explanation | German | 1 | 1 |
[W1398] | Johannes Nas, Sihe wie das ellend Lutherthumb durch eine aigne verfechter gemartert Anatomiert | Johannes Nas | | Art: Image explanation | German | 2 | 1 |
[W34] | Tomasz Treter, Roma Santa | Tomasz Treter | | Art: Image explanation | Italian | 1 | 2 |
[W713] | Anton Wied, Ad lectorem in the map of Muscovy | Anton Wied | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | | 2 |
[W522] | Olaus Magnus, Ain kurze Auslegung und Verklerung der neuuen Mappen von den alten Goettenreich und andern Nordlenden | Olaus Magnus | | Art: Image explanation | German | 1 | 1 |
[W712] | Olaus Magnus, Ad lectorem in Carta marina | Olaus Magnus | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | | 1 |
[W26] | Le vray et naïf portrait de l'Église catholique, Nicolas Psaume (translator) | Claude of France, Duchesse of Lorraine, Nicolas Psaume | | Art: Image explanation | French | 2 | 2 |
[W633] | Tomasz Treter, [Explicatio figurae Crucis] | Tomasz Treter | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 1 | 1 |
[W33] | Tomasz Treter, Roma Sancta | Tomasz Treter | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 2 | 4 |
[W32] | Tomasz Treter, Dichiaratione della figura della Croce | Tomasz Treter | | Art: Image explanation | Italian | 1 | 1 |
[W809] | Stanisław Reszka, Typus unius Sanctae Catholicae, et Apostolicae Ecclesiae... | Stanisław Reszka | Rome | Art: Image explanation | Latin | | 2 |
[W28] | Stanisław Reszka, Dichiaratione della figura della Chiesa Catholica | Stanisław Reszka | | Art: Image explanation | Italian | 1 | 1 |
[W25] | Stanisław Reszka, Explicatio typi Ecclesiae Catholicae | Stanisław Reszka | Rome | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 7 | 16 |
[W1397] | Vitus Jacobaeus, Anatomia M. Lutheri. Explicatio huius typi | Vitus Jacobaeus | | Art: Image explanation | Latin | 3 | 4 |