Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
Thing: [T85426] Mouflon and Beaver
Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[7321]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyMazell fec.italicssignature or reference to actorprintmaker
[7320]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyDe Seve del'italicssignature or reference to actordesigner
[7325]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyThe BEAVER.majusculecaption or identification of motif
[7324]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyThe MUSIMON. P. 26majuscule, arabic numeralreference mark, caption or identification of motif
[7323]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyP. 70arabic numeralreference mark
[7322]Peter Mazell (printmaker), Mouflon and Beaver. Part of Set for Pennant's British ZoologyIIroman numeralnumbering