Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
Thing: [T83814] Title page of Neugebauer's Icones (state II/III) (Palthenius)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[7140]Title page of Neugebauer's Icones (state II/III) (Palthenius). Part of Set for Neugebauer's Icones (Palthenius)FRANCOFVRTI AD MOENVM In Bibliopolio Iacobi de Zetter Typis Hartm. Palthenij ANNO M.DC.X XVImajuscule, roman numeralsignature or reference to actor, address or reference to place, dateplace of production, printer, publisher
[7139]Title page of Neugebauer's Icones (state II/III) (Palthenius). Part of Set for Neugebauer's Icones (Palthenius)SIGISMVND IIImajuscule, roman numeralcaption or identification of motif, identification of modelrepresented person
[7138]Title page of Neugebauer's Icones (state II/III) (Palthenius). Part of Set for Neugebauer's Icones (Palthenius)LECHVS Imajuscule, roman numeralcaption or identification of motif
[7137]Title page of Neugebauer's Icones (state II/III) (Palthenius). Part of Set for Neugebauer's Icones (Palthenius)ICONES & VITAE PRINCIPVM ac REGVM POLONIAE omnium Adornatae atque Collecta a SALOMONE NEVGEBAVERO de Cadanomajuscule, minusculesignature or reference to actor, titleauthor