Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[7119]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)[erased]place of production, printmaker
[7118]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)D(ucatum) Seueriaeitalicscaption or identification of motif
[7117]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)D(ucatum) Silesiaeitalicscaption or identification of motif
[7116]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) V(alachiae)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7115]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) Podoliaeitalicscaption or identification of motif
[7114]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) Liuoniaeitalicscaption or identification of motif
[7113]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) Samogi(tiae)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7112]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)D(ucatum) Masouia(e)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7111]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)Duc(atum) Russia(e)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7110]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) Moldauia(e)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7109]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)P(alatinatus) Voliniaitalicscaption or identification of motif
[7108]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)D(ucatum) Pomera(niae)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7107]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)A. Sacra Regiae Maiestas. B. Archiepis ... H. Nobiles Regni et Mag.(ni) Duc.(atis) Lith.(uani)aeitalics, superscribedcaption or identification of motif
[7106]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)A ... Gmajusculereference mark
[7105]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)Superiorum | permissuitalicsimprimatur 
[7104]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)M(agnum) Duc(atum) Lit.(huaniae)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7103]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)Polon(ia) Min(or)italicscaption or identification of motif
[7102]Polish Sejm under the reign of Sigismund III Vasa (state I/III) (Rome, ICG)Polon(ia) Maio(r)italicscaption or identification of motif