Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[6814]Karel van Mallery (printmaker), Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), St Margaret (state II/II) (Lauro). Part of Set of female saints (Facciotto; Lauro)Romae Iacobus Laurus...italicssignature or reference to actor, privilege, address or reference to place, dateplace of production, print publisher
[6813]Karel van Mallery (printmaker), Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), St Margaret (state II/II) (Lauro). Part of Set of female saints (Facciotto; Lauro)Superiosum permissuitalicsimprimatur 
[6812]Karel van Mallery (printmaker), Giacomo Lauro (print publisher), St Margaret (state II/II) (Lauro). Part of Set of female saints (Facciotto; Lauro)S MARGARITAmajusculetitle, caption or identification of motif