Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[4996]Jan Aleksander Gorczyn (printmaker), Frontispiece of Kochowski's Annales PoloniaeSCRIPTORE VESPASIANO KOCHOWSKImajusculesignature or reference to actorauthor
[4994]Jan Aleksander Gorczyn (printmaker), Frontispiece of Kochowski's Annales PoloniaeIo Alex Gorczyn sculpsititalicssignature or reference to actorprintmaker
[4995]Jan Aleksander Gorczyn (printmaker), Frontispiece of Kochowski's Annales PoloniaeANNALES POLONIAE AB OBITV VLADISLAI QVARTImajusculetitle
[4993]Jan Aleksander Gorczyn (printmaker), Frontispiece of Kochowski's Annales PoloniaeAnno Ch: || 1682arabic numeral, minusculedate