Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[4650] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) S. Casimirus minuscule caption or identification of motif represented person
[4651] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) B. Ioan: Cantius minuscule caption or identification of motif represented person
[4653] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) Joan:Alex: Gorczyn sc. italics signature or reference to actor printmaker
[4652] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) Joan: Christost. Proßowski delineauit. italics signature or reference to actor draughtsman
[4654] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) CRACOVIAE || In Officina Haeredum Francisci || Cesarij. Sacrae Regiae Maiestatis || nec non Illustrissimi ac Re[vere]ndissimi || Episcopi Cracouiensi Typographi || An[no] D[omin]i | 1666. majuscule, roman numeral, minuscule signature or reference to actor, address or reference to place, date place of the printing shop, printer
[4649] Title page with Mary and Child and Saints Casimir and John Cantius (state II/II) (Cezary) SVB TVVM | PRAESIDIVM majuscule commentary or explanation