Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[4464] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum BOEMIA ... Germania minuscule, majuscule commentary or explanation, address or reference to place
[4461] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum CROCA ... ADOLESCENCIA majuscule commentary or explanation, address or reference to place
[4463] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum Qum totiam ... libros minuscule commentary or explanation
[4462] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum Quatuor vrbes ... Latitudinis minuscule commentary or explanation
[4459] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum MOGVNCIA ... SENECTVS majuscule commentary or explanation, address or reference to place
[4458] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum RATISPONA ... IVVENTVS majuscule commentary or explanation, address or reference to place
[4457] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum CONRADI ... INCIPIVNT majuscule signature or reference to actor, title
[4460] Title page of Quattuor libri amorum LVBECVM ... MORS majuscule commentary or explanation, address or reference to place