Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[4093] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Vilia fluinus caption or identification of motif
[4098] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas S. Crucis caption or identification of motif
[4101] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Mons ultra Niemenem caption or identification of motif
[4102] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas meridies
[4097] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Via versa vilnam italics caption or identification of motif
[4103] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Traiectum
[4095] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas .S. Petri caption or identification of motif
[4096] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas S
[4094] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Praetorium caption or identification of motif
[4076] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Monast minorum de obseranntia caption or identification of motif
[4099] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas Hic Vilia | fl Niemeni | mimiscctur minuscule caption or identification of motif
[4075] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas KOWNA Palatinatus Trocensis | civitas aedificiorum | splendore confluxu minuscule, majuscule caption or identification of motif
[4074] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas KAVNA VVLGO kOWNO minuscule, majuscule title, caption or identification of motif represented place
[4100] Tomasz Makowski (designer attr.), Tomasz Makowski (printmaker attr.), View of Kaunas CHRONON OLIM . NVNC NIEMEN FLV