Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3092] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) ILL.mo ... IO ANDREA DI PROCNICIO ... Iacobus Laurus Romanus D.D. majuscule, italics dedication dedicatee, dedicator
[3089] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) Romae superiorum permissu 1615 arabic numeral, italics imprimatur , address or reference to place, date place of production
[3091] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) Hic Simon Petrus... italics commentary or explanation, caption or identification of motif
[3090] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) EFFIGIES IESV CHRISTI... majuscule title, caption or identification of motif
[3087] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) Antonius Tempesta inuent(or) italics signature or reference to actor
[3088] Crucifixion surrounded by scenes of martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists (state II/II) Cum priuilegio Summi Pontificis italics privilege