Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[807] Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life (state I/II) Cum priuilegio Summi Pontificis privilege
[768] Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life (state I/II) Per Ill.mo ... Fabiano Konopacki dedication dedicatee, dedicator
[184] Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life (state I/II) Martinus Baron Iaroslauien(sis) Romae Superiorum permissu | Polonus autor 1601 italics, arabic numeral date, address or reference to place, imprimatur , signature or reference to actor actor's place of origin or activity, conceptor
[146] Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life (state I/II) Ex Angelorum manibus S. Barbara assistente Sacram Eucharistiam suscipit italics commentary or explanation, title
[76] Communion of St Stanislaus Kostka and scenes from his life (state I/II) BEATVS STANISLAVS KOSTKA POLONVS | SOCIETATIS IESV majuscule title, caption or identification of motif