Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1509] Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Chamuel. Part of Set of seven archangels PRINCIPATUS CHAMAEL / Nos Israel luctans superat Consolor in horto / Luctantem morti, poculo quando timet / italics, majuscule caption or identification of motif
[575] Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Chamuel. Part of Set of seven archangels Crispin de Passe inv(enit) et excudit italics signature or reference to actor designer
[1510] Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Chamuel. Part of Set of seven archangels 3 arabic numeral numbering