Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[686] Monogrammist HG (blockcutter), Portrait of Johannes Draconites (Kolbe; Richolff; Dietz; Daubmann) HG | 1546 monogram, arabic numeral, [shapes], majuscule date, signature or reference to actor
[281] Monogrammist HG (blockcutter), Portrait of Johannes Draconites (Kolbe; Richolff; Dietz; Daubmann) דכרת לאלת׳לטךבתן | NON DESERAM TE NEC TE NEGLIGAM | (...) | DV HAST MICH ERLOST TREWER GOT greek alphabet, hebrew alphabet, majuscule motto
[135] Monogrammist HG (blockcutter), Portrait of Johannes Draconites (Kolbe; Richolff; Dietz; Daubmann) IO || DRA majuscule title