Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1478] A Booke of all Kinds of BEASTS A Booke of all Kinds of BEASTS, in their severall Shapes, Postures, and Proportions, being the third Part of the View of Creation. This, as also all other Parts, are Printed & Sold By Robert Walton, at the Globe & Compasses, near the Great North Door of St. Pauls Church minuscule, majuscule address or reference to place, commentary or explanation, signature or reference to actor, title bookseller, place of the printing shop, print publisher
[1477] A Booke of all Kinds of BEASTS "a Sea Oxe/an Ethiopi an Weather/a Wonderfull Deare/a Kinde of Stagg by some called Elke/Dromedarie/an Elke/a Guine Hogg/a Wilde Hogg/a Frogge/an American Civit Catt/an Ounce/a Toade/a Sea Tortoise/a Greyhound/another kinde of Tortoise/a River Hogge of Brasile/a kinde of Mouse in the Alpes of Mountaines" minuscule caption or identification of motif