Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3107] Border with the Tree of Jesse (Melantrich) Jesse || Dauid || Jeremias || Salo(mon) || Nathan || Jacob || Joseph || Lucas || Marcus || Mathe(us) || Johan(nes) || Maria || Joachim blackletter caption or identification of motif
[3106] Border with the Tree of Jesse (Melantrich) Egredietur virga | de radice Jesse et flos de | Radice eius ascendet | et requiescet super eu(m) | spiritus do|mini [shapes], blackletter commentary or explanation, citation
[133] Border with the Tree of Jesse (Melantrich) GS || XLIX majuscule, [shapes], roman numeral, monogram signature or reference to actor, date