Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3246] Frans Hogenberg (printmaker), Map of Vilnius. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarum 1. Das hoche Slochs ... 28. Vber Wasser [shapes], blackletter caption or identification of motif
[3245] Frans Hogenberg (printmaker), Map of Vilnius. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarum Die WIlde flu. || Die Muln || Die Deutsche dor || Die Muntz || Die Deutsche yoße blackletter caption or identification of motif
[3244] Frans Hogenberg (printmaker), Map of Vilnius. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarum 1 ... 28 arabic numeral reference mark
[3243] Frans Hogenberg (printmaker), Map of Vilnius. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarum VILNA LITVANIAE Metropolis. italics, majuscule title, caption or identification of motif