Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[914]Antonio Tempesta (designer), Raffaelle Guidi (printmaker), Vision of St Hyacinth surrounded by eighteen scenes from his life and miracles (Gatti & de' Paoli)Ant. Temp. Inuent. Raffael guidi fecit. Alittenij gatti et Io. Antonij P. Formis Romae. Superior Permissuitalicssignature or reference to actor, imprimatur , address or reference to placedesigner, owner of the printing plate, place of the printing shop, printmaker
[935]Antonio Tempesta (designer), Raffaelle Guidi (printmaker), Vision of St Hyacinth surrounded by eighteen scenes from his life and miracles (Gatti & de' Paoli)Ill.mo D. Dno Stanislao Minski palatino Lenciciens | et Ad S D N Clementem VIII Pontificem Maximum | a Serenismo Poloniae et suaeciae Regi oratori | F. Severinus S. T. Mag.r Polonus ordinis Praedicator. Humiliter offert et gratiose | Dedicatdedicationdedicatee, dedicator
[800]Antonio Tempesta (designer), Raffaelle Guidi (printmaker), Vision of St Hyacinth surrounded by eighteen scenes from his life and miracles (Gatti & de' Paoli)S. IACINCTVS POLONVS S.DOMI.CI SOCIVS ET DISCIPVLVS ET ORDINIS PRAEDICATORVM PRIMVS IN SEPTENTRIONE FVNDATOR MVLTIS CLARENS MIRACVLIS CRACOVIAE REQUIVIT 1257 Aetatis Suae an. 74majusculetitle, caption or identification of motifrepresented person
[4]Antonio Tempesta (designer), Raffaelle Guidi (printmaker), Vision of St Hyacinth surrounded by eighteen scenes from his life and miracles (Gatti & de' Paoli)Sanctos Confessos catalogo adscriptus a S.mo D.N.D. Clemente VIII. Pont. Max. die 17 Mensis Aprilis 1594commentary or explanation, date