Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[2840]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Amphitheatre and Personifications of Religion and Doctrine. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)RELI:|GIO.majuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[2841]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Amphitheatre and Personifications of Religion and Doctrine. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)DO:|CTRINAmajuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[2839]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Amphitheatre and Personifications of Religion and Doctrine. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)ROMAE. M. D. LXXX. VIII.majusculeaddress or reference to place
[2838]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Amphitheatre and Personifications of Religion and Doctrine. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)THEATRVM VIRTVTVM | D. STANISLAI HOSII S.R.E.CARD. MAIORis. POENIT. | ET EPISCOPI VARMIENSIS. | Per THOMAM TRETERVM Polonum, Regium, et eiusde(m) | Cardinalis Secretarium, Pietatis & eruditionibus amatoribus, | repraesentatum.majusculetitle