Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3120] Blessed Ceslaus surrounded by scenes from his life. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Peter Ouer(adt) exc.(udit) italics signature or reference to actor print publisher
[912] Blessed Ceslaus surrounded by scenes from his life. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Romae habitum a S. Dominico cu S. Hyacintho suscipit italics commentary or explanation
[806] Blessed Ceslaus surrounded by scenes from his life. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) BEATVS CESLAVS POLONVS S. DOMINICI DISCIPVLVS SOCIVS S. HYACINTHI majuscule commentary or explanation, title, caption or identification of motif represented person