Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1533] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) B(eata) M(aria) V(irgo) C(et)gstocusea (?) majuscule caption or identification of motif
[1531] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Tertio aetatis anno ducitur in | CuriamHungariae Regis, eius | filio in coniugem tradid (?) italics commentary or explanation
[1529] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Diuinis rebus intenta, | noctes integras in ora|tione traducit. italics commentary or explanation
[1528] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Cuidam Franciscano appare(n)s | grauiter affectam illius | manion (?) sanet. italics commentary or explanation
[1527] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Tacto ilius corpore quae | dam liberatur graui | oculorum dolore. italics commentary or explanation
[1526] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Divinis rebus intenta, | noctes integras in ora | tione traducit. italics caption or identification of motif
[1523] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Suavissimum odorem Beatae | Salomeae corpus diffundit ali | quot post mortem dieb(us) italics commentary or explanation
[1522] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Templa extruit, Coenobia | legibus astrigint, multa | pauperib(us) largitur. italics commentary or explanation
[1521] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Caeca monialis panuo, quod San | ctae corpus tetigerat, oculis | admoto visum recipit. italics commentary or explanation
[1520] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Apio Fratre eodem quo obi | it tempore Coelum con | scendere visa est. italics commentary or explanation
[1518] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Aegra decionbens Beatae Virginis aspectu mirifice recreatur. italics commentary or explanation
[1524] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) VIDVA ET VIRGO majuscule caption or identification of motif
[1519] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Eius animam specie sple(n)de | (n)tis stellae (et) corpore exeuntem | tres (con)spieiu(n)t italics commentary or explanation
[926] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) Peter Ouverradt | excudit Colonię italics signature or reference to actor place of production, print publisher
[819] Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt) BEATA | SALOMEA | POLONA | Regina Haliciae, Ordinis | S(ancti) Francisci, Sepulta | Cracoviae majuscule, italics title represented person