Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[973] Our Lady of Częstochowa surrounded by scenes of miracles of the image Martinus Baron Iaroslauiensis Polonus autor italics signature or reference to actor actor's place of origin or activity, conceptor
[801] Our Lady of Częstochowa surrounded by scenes of miracles of the image IMAGO DEIPARAE / VIRGINIS / MIRACVLIS / ILLVSTRIS / A S. LVCA DEPICTA / Quae asseruatur Cze/stochouiae in Monte / Claro Regni Poloniae majuscule identification of model, title, caption or identification of motif represented thing
[772] Our Lady of Częstochowa surrounded by scenes of miracles of the image Ill.ri ... Heronimo Ossoliski ... Iacobus Laurus D.D. Romae Superriorum permissu 1603 italics dedication dedicatee, dedicator, place of production