Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[978] Saints Andrew Zorard and Benedict Szkalka surrounded by scenes from their lives Cum Priuilegio Sum(m)i Pontificis / Romae 1602 / Martinus Baron Iaroslauiensis / Polonus autor / Superiorum permissu arabic numeral, italics signature or reference to actor, imprimatur , privilege, address or reference to place, date actor's place of origin or activity, conceptor, place of production
[771] Saints Andrew Zorard and Benedict Szkalka surrounded by scenes from their lives Ill.mo ... Matthiae Pstrokonski ... Iacobus Laurus Romanus D.D. italics dedication dedicatee, dedicator
[1002] Saints Andrew Zorard and Benedict Szkalka surrounded by scenes from their lives Corpus post annum... commentary or explanation
[985] Saints Andrew Zorard and Benedict Szkalka surrounded by scenes from their lives SS ANDREAS ZEORADVS CONFESSOR ET BENEDICTVS SVIRADVS... majuscule, minuscule commentary or explanation, caption or identification of motif