Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1937] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Władysław IV of Poland ICON. VLADISLAI. SIGISMVNDI. POLONIAE. ET. SVECIAE. PRINCIPIS. ET: MAGNI-DVCIS. MOSCOVIAE. etc.
[1936] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Władysław IV of Poland VEL SIC || IHS || ENITAR majuscule motto
[1935] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Władysław IV of Poland Rem tetigisti Heros; per SVMMVM ad summa necesse est | Eniti: magni nil agis absq(ue) DEO. | At, si Signa sub HOC moueas; uel magnus Apollo | Alcidesq(qu), Tibi se dat in armigerum: | Martia quin Pallas, Diua et Victoria, factis | Officiosa Tuis gestit adesse comes. | Aude ergo Decus Heroum, non ulla, Coronis, | Ardua, uel Palmis te prohibere querunt. italics, majuscule dedication
[1934] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Władysław IV of Poland L. Kilian | sculps. italics signature or reference to actor printmaker