Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1906] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz ILLmae. CELSm. SUAE, VETERIS OBSERVANTIAE ERGO DEDICAT LVCAS KILIANVS | SCVLPTOR AVGVSTANVS A.D. M. DC. XVIII. majuscule dedication actor's place of origin or activity, dedicator
[1908] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz EVSTACHIVS WOŁOWICZ D. G. EPISCOPVS VILNENSIS ADMIN: ABB: LVBINENSIS ET PRAEP: TROCEN: VICECANCELARIVS M. D. L. AETATIS USAE Ao XLVI. superscribed, majuscule title
[1907] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz Augustum vibrans os, maiestatis honorem, | Eminet Heroes inter, sanctumq(ue) Senatum, | Consilio, eloquio, ense, pedo, pietate, lepore, | Forma(m), fortuna(m), stirpe, arte, usuq(ue) regendi. italics commentary or explanation
[1905] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz PEDE TENTIM majuscule motto
[1904] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz IN VTRVMQVE majuscule motto
[1903] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz S. CASIMIRVS majuscule caption or identification of motif
[1902] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz S. STANISLAVS majuscule caption or identification of motif
[1901] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz PIETATE ET || MORIBVS majuscule motto
[1900] Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz DOMINVS ADIVTOR | ET | PRO|TECTOR MEVS majuscule motto