Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3174] Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Ezekiel's Vision of the New Temple (Trechsel; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon) ASPECTVS ALTITV|DINIS PORTE | ORIENTALIS [shapes], majuscule commentary or explanation
[3175] Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Ezekiel's Vision of the New Temple (Trechsel; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon) PRONS PORTE || ALTITVDINIS | LX CVBI||TORVM MANSIO SVPERI||OR ALTITVDINIS XXV CVBI||TORVM majuscule commentary or explanation