(Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID | Thing | Inscription Text | Characteristics | Functions | Role Mentions |
[1897] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | ILLmae. CELSm. SUAE, VETERIS OBSERVANTIAE ERGO DEDICAT LVCAS KILIANVS | SCVLPTOR AVGVSTANVS A.D. M. DC. XXI. | majuscule, superscribed | dedication | dedicator |
[1899] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | PEDE TENTIM | majuscule | motto | |
[1898] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | IN VTRVMQVE | majuscule | motto | |
[1896] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | Pro PATRIA atq(ue) DEO, cu(m) sis IN VTRVMQ(ue) paratus | Sic PATRIAE carus, sic potes esse DEO. | majuscule, italics | commentary or explanation | |
[1895] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | EVSTACHIVS WOŁOWICZ D. G. EPISCOPVS VILNENSIS ADMIN: ABB: LVBINENSIS ET PRAEP: TROCEN: VICECANCELARIVS M. D. L. AETATIS USAE Ao XLIX | majuscule, superscribed | title | represented person |
[1894] | Lucas Kilian (printmaker), Portrait of Eustachy Wołłowicz | PIETATE ET MORIBVS | majuscule | motto |