(Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID | Thing | Inscription Text | Characteristics | Functions | Role Mentions |
[3397] | Monogrammist HBW (blockcutter), Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (Nuremberg, GNM) ◼ | SIGISMVNDVS AVGVSTVS, DEI GRATIA REX POLO-|NIAE, MAGNVS DVX LITVANIAE, RVSSIAE, PRVS-|SIAE, POMERANIAE, SAMAGITIAE AC MAZO-|VIAE, ETC. DOMINVS ET HAERES. | ANNO DOMINI || M.D.LIIII. || AETATIS | XXXV. | majuscule, roman numeral, letterpress | caption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date | |
[4367] | Portrait of Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (state III/III) | ILL. D. NICOLAVS. CHRISTOPPHORVS. RADZIVILL. DVX. IN. OLIKA. ET. NIESWIESZ. AET. ANNO. XXXIII | majuscule | caption or identification of motif, identification of model | actor's place of origin or activity, represented person |
[3400] | Monogrammist HBW (blockcutter), Sigismund II Augustus of Poland. In Marcin Kromer, Martini Cromeri De Origine Et Rebvs Gestis Polonorvm Libri XXX ; Adiecta est in fine eiusdem autoris funebris Oratio Sigismvndi Regis uitam compendiose complexa, Basel: Johannes Oporinus (printer), January 1555 - August 1555 (Cracow, BJ), fol. Av ◼ | SIGISMVNDVS AVGVSTVS, DEI GRATIA REX POLO-|NIAE, MAGNVS DVX LITVANIAE, RVSSIAE, PRVS-|SIAE, POMERANIAE, SAMAGITIAE AC MAZO-|VIAE, ETC. DOMINVS ET HAERES. | ANNO DOMINI || M.D.LIIII. || AETATIS | XXXV. | majuscule, arabic numeral, letterpress | caption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date | |
[3390] | Giraffe. In Ein seltzam und Wunderbarlich Thier, Der gelichen von Uns vor nie geschen worden ..., Nuremberg: Hans Adam (printer), 1559 (Zürich, ZB) ◼ | Eyn seltzam vnd Wunderbarlichen Thier / Der gleichen von | Uns vor nie geschen worden u. Dis thier wird Surnappa genant Und ist von der erden an mit | Sampt dem kopf / höher alles ordenlich vnd vleissig / Geconterfect ist worden / durch Melchior Lurig zu Const=|antinopel / vnd eynem guten Freünt herauß ins Teiitschlandt / von selrzamkeyt wegen geschickt wieß hie ent=|gegen stat / Vnd ist dem Türckischen Keisser daselbst verehert worden im. 1559. Jar. | arabic numeral, blackletter, letterpress | caption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date | |
[4242] | Hans (I) Burgkmair (printmaker), Rhinoceros | H.B. | majuscule, monogram | signature or reference to actor | |
[3435] | Annunciation to Mary II (Grüninger; Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg). Part of Set of Hortulus illustrations (Grüninger; Peypus; Heirs of Marek Szarfenberger) | AVE GRAC||IA PLENA DO(minus) | majuscule, [shapes], blackletter, uncial script | citation | |
[3282] | Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań) | VIRGINES. | majuscule, [shapes] | caption or identification of motif | |
[3279] | Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań) | APOSTOLI. | majuscule, [shapes] | caption or identification of motif | |
[3277] | Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań) | PATRIARCHAE | majuscule, [shapes] | caption or identification of motif | |
[3271] | Aegidius (II) Sadeler (printmaker), Ascension | Homo et Deus connectitur | Hic foedere insolubili: | Homo et Deus pro crimine | Hic deprecatur omnium. || Ad hunc eamus libere, | Spe no(n) labe(n)te nec fide: | Humana que(m) texit caro | Est proximus deus Deo. | [shapes], italics | commentary or explanation, citation | |
[4366] | Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Laurence (Steiner; Egenolff). Part of Set of Weiditz's saints and martyrs (Steiner; Egenolff) | H | majuscule, monogram | signature or reference to actor | |
[1576] | The Fourth Angel Sounding the Trumpet: the Sun, the Moon and the Stars Partially Darkened (Feyerabend). Part of Solis's set for Frankfurt Bibles (Feyerabend) | WE WE WE | majuscule | ||
[1010] | Dawid Tscherning (printmaker), St John Cantius adoring Mary and the Man of Sorrows, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, and surrounded by scenes from his life | ILLVSTRI AC MAGNIFICO DNO D. SAMVELI KALINOWSKI | Bracłauiensi, Litinensi, Lubecensi, Łoiouiensi, Lisiancensi etc. Capitaneo. | Palatinidae Czernichouiensi. M. STAnislaus Temberski O. D. C. | Iconem Eximii serui Dei D. IOANNIS CANTII S. TH. in Acad. Crac. D. ac Professor. Tibi Illustris Dne duxi prae|sentandam. Ad quod officium impulsum me esse fateor, Tua erga D. Virtum proprnsione, quam ad ipsius Sarcophagum con|testatam esse uoluisti: dum ad Ædes S. ANNÆ Lampadas CHaritatis, eleganti suadam nuper in publico consessu Ittium Au|ditorum exhibuisti. Faxit Deus O. M. vt meritis huius Patroni, in annos longos, Ecclesiæ, Reip. Familiæ, maneas incolumis. | Permissu Superiosum. | majuscule, italics | dedication, imprimatur | dedicatee, dedicator |
[3196] | Title-page border with ten medallions (Siebeneicher; Cezary) | ANNVNCIATIO | majuscule, [shapes] | caption or identification of motif | |
[689] | Imago B. Virginis Czestochoviensis | B Caymox excud | italics | signature or reference to actor | print publisher |
[1651] | Title-page border with personifications of Clementia and Liberalitas | PRINCIPVM ET | REGVM POLO|NORVM IMAGI|NES AD VIVVM | EXPRESSAE. || Quibus adjectę sunt breves | singulorum historię et res | praeclare gestae, ut lectori | et oculos (et) animum simul | his quasi speculo humanę vitę | inspiciendo pascere liceat. | Cum Priuilegio | majuscule, italics | title, privilege | |
[3175] | Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Ezekiel's Vision of the New Temple (Trechsel; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon) | PRONS PORTE || ALTITVDINIS | LX CVBI||TORVM MANSIO SVPERI||OR ALTITVDINIS XXV CVBI||TORVM | majuscule | commentary or explanation | |
[3177] | Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Altar (Ezekiel's vision of the new temple) (Trechsesl; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon) | CREPIDO. MAIOR. | majuscule | caption or identification of motif | |
[3195] | Title-page border with ten medallions (Siebeneicher; Cezary) | NATIVITAS | majuscule, [shapes] | caption or identification of motif | |
[4365] | Portrait of Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (state II/III) | ILL. D. NICOLAVS. CHRISTOPPHORVS. RADZIVILL. DVX. IN. OLIKA. ET. NIESWIESZ. AET. ANNO. XXXIII | majuscule | caption or identification of motif, identification of model | actor's place of origin or activity, represented person |