Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[3397]Monogrammist HBW (blockcutter), Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (Nuremberg, GNM)SIGISMVNDVS AVGVSTVS, DEI GRATIA REX POLO-|NIAE, MAGNVS DVX LITVANIAE, RVSSIAE, PRVS-|SIAE, POMERANIAE, SAMAGITIAE AC MAZO-|VIAE, ETC. DOMINVS ET HAERES. | ANNO DOMINI || M.D.LIIII. || AETATIS | XXXV.majuscule, roman numeral, letterpresscaption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date
[4367]Portrait of Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (state III/III)ILL. D. NICOLAVS. CHRISTOPPHORVS. RADZIVILL. DVX. IN. OLIKA. ET. NIESWIESZ. AET. ANNO. XXXIIImajusculecaption or identification of motif, identification of modelactor's place of origin or activity, represented person
[3400]Monogrammist HBW (blockcutter), Sigismund II Augustus of Poland. In Marcin Kromer, Martini Cromeri De Origine Et Rebvs Gestis Polonorvm Libri XXX ; Adiecta est in fine eiusdem autoris funebris Oratio Sigismvndi Regis uitam compendiose complexa, Basel: Johannes Oporinus (printer), January 1555 - August 1555 (Cracow, BJ), fol. AvSIGISMVNDVS AVGVSTVS, DEI GRATIA REX POLO-|NIAE, MAGNVS DVX LITVANIAE, RVSSIAE, PRVS-|SIAE, POMERANIAE, SAMAGITIAE AC MAZO-|VIAE, ETC. DOMINVS ET HAERES. | ANNO DOMINI || M.D.LIIII. || AETATIS | XXXV.majuscule, arabic numeral, letterpresscaption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date
[3390]Giraffe. In Ein seltzam und Wunderbarlich Thier, Der gelichen von Uns vor nie geschen worden ..., Nuremberg: Hans Adam (printer), 1559 (Zürich, ZB)Eyn seltzam vnd Wunderbarlichen Thier / Der gleichen von | Uns vor nie geschen worden u. Dis thier wird Surnappa genant Und ist von der erden an mit | Sampt dem kopf / höher alles ordenlich vnd vleissig / Geconterfect ist worden / durch Melchior Lurig zu Const=|antinopel / vnd eynem guten Freünt herauß ins Teiitschlandt / von selrzamkeyt wegen geschickt wieß hie ent=|gegen stat / Vnd ist dem Türckischen Keisser daselbst verehert worden im. 1559. Jar.arabic numeral, blackletter, letterpresscaption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation, date
[4242]Hans (I) Burgkmair (printmaker), RhinocerosH.B.majuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[3435]Annunciation to Mary II (Grüninger; Heirs of Marek Szarfenberg). Part of Set of Hortulus illustrations (Grüninger; Peypus; Heirs of Marek Szarfenberger)AVE GRAC||IA PLENA DO(minus)majuscule, [shapes], blackletter, uncial scriptcitation
[3282]Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań)VIRGINES.majuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[3279]Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań)APOSTOLI.majuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[3277]Border with the Coronation of the Virgin and saints (Siebeneicher; Drukarnia SJ Poznań)PATRIARCHAEmajuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[3271]Aegidius (II) Sadeler (printmaker), AscensionHomo et Deus connectitur | Hic foedere insolubili: | Homo et Deus pro crimine | Hic deprecatur omnium. || Ad hunc eamus libere, | Spe no(n) labe(n)te nec fide: | Humana que(m) texit caro | Est proximus deus Deo.[shapes], italicscommentary or explanation, citation
[4366]Hans (II) Weiditz (printmaker attr.), Martyrdom of St Laurence (Steiner; Egenolff). Part of Set of Weiditz's saints and martyrs (Steiner; Egenolff)Hmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[1576]The Fourth Angel Sounding the Trumpet: the Sun, the Moon and the Stars Partially Darkened (Feyerabend). Part of Solis's set for Frankfurt Bibles (Feyerabend)WE WE WEmajuscule
[1010]Dawid Tscherning (printmaker), St John Cantius adoring Mary and the Man of Sorrows, crowned with wreaths of lauels and roses, and surrounded by scenes from his lifeILLVSTRI AC MAGNIFICO DNO D. SAMVELI KALINOWSKI | Bracłauiensi, Litinensi, Lubecensi, Łoiouiensi, Lisiancensi etc. Capitaneo. | Palatinidae Czernichouiensi. M. STAnislaus Temberski O. D. C. | Iconem Eximii serui Dei D. IOANNIS CANTII S. TH. in Acad. Crac. D. ac Professor. Tibi Illustris Dne duxi prae|sentandam. Ad quod officium impulsum me esse fateor, Tua erga D. Virtum proprnsione, quam ad ipsius Sarcophagum con|testatam esse uoluisti: dum ad Ædes S. ANNÆ Lampadas CHaritatis, eleganti suadam nuper in publico consessu Ittium Au|ditorum exhibuisti. Faxit Deus O. M. vt meritis huius Patroni, in annos longos, Ecclesiæ, Reip. Familiæ, maneas incolumis. | Permissu Superiosum.majuscule, italicsdedication, imprimatur dedicatee, dedicator
[3196]Title-page border with ten medallions (Siebeneicher; Cezary)ANNVNCIATIOmajuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[689]Imago B. Virginis CzestochoviensisB Caymox excuditalicssignature or reference to actorprint publisher
[1651]Title-page border with personifications of Clementia and LiberalitasPRINCIPVM ET | REGVM POLO|NORVM IMAGI|NES AD VIVVM | EXPRESSAE. || Quibus adjectę sunt breves | singulorum historię et res | praeclare gestae, ut lectori | et oculos (et) animum simul | his quasi speculo humanę vitę | inspiciendo pascere liceat. | Cum Priuilegiomajuscule, italicstitle, privilege
[3175]Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Ezekiel's Vision of the New Temple (Trechsel; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon)PRONS PORTE || ALTITVDINIS | LX CVBI||TORVM MANSIO SVPERI||OR ALTITVDINIS XXV CVBI||TORVMmajusculecommentary or explanation
[3177]Hans (II) Holbein (designer?), Altar (Ezekiel's vision of the new temple) (Trechsesl; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon)CREPIDO. MAIOR.majusculecaption or identification of motif
[3195]Title-page border with ten medallions (Siebeneicher; Cezary)NATIVITASmajuscule, [shapes]caption or identification of motif
[4365]Portrait of Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł (state II/III)ILL. D. NICOLAVS. CHRISTOPPHORVS. RADZIVILL. DVX. IN. OLIKA. ET. NIESWIESZ. AET. ANNO. XXXIIImajusculecaption or identification of motif, identification of modelactor's place of origin or activity, represented person