Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1498]Bartolommeo Mazza (printmaker), Practice of the visual arts (Bertelli)Luca Bertelli For(mis)italicssignature or reference to actorowner of the printing plate
[1506]Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Zadkiel. Part of Set of seven archangelsDOMINATIONES ZADKIEL Parce tuo nato Patriarcha Probate Redemtor / Mundi nam pendens in cruce tollit onusmajuscule, italicscaption or identification of motif
[1579]Monogrammist MS (printmaker), Samson's Hairlocks Cut Off by Delilah (Lufft; Severin) (Cracow, Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Maius). Part of Bible cycle (Lufft; Severin; Melantrich; Szarfenberger; Siebeneicher; Drukarnia Akademicka; Schedel)MSmajuscule, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[1518]Blessed Salomea's vision of Mary and Child, surrounded by twelve scenes from her life and miracles. Part of Icones et miracula sanctorum Poloniae (Overadt)Aegra decionbens Beatae Virginis aspectu mirifice recreatur.italicscommentary or explanation
[1517]Jörg Brückner (Monogrammist IB) (blockcutter), Sigismund II Augustus of Poland in a heraldic border. In Marcin Bielski, Kronika tho iesth Historya swiata na sześć wiekow a cztery monarchie rozdzielona ..., Cracow: Mateusz Siebeneicher (printer), 1564 (Wrocław, Oss.), fol. [421r]SIGISMUNDVS AVGVSTVS DEI GRATIA REX / polonie, Magnus Dux Lithuanie, Rußie, Prußie, Pomeranie, Samogitie ac Masouie (et) c(aetera). Dominus (et) Heres. Anno / Domini .1562. AEtatis XXXIII.majuscule, italics, letterpresscaption or identification of motif, daterepresented person
[1513]Jörg Brückner (Monogrammist IB) (blockcutter), Sigismund I of Poland in a Heraldic Border. In Marcin Bielski, Kronika tho iesth Historya swiata na sześć wiekow a cztery monarchie rozdzielona ..., Cracow: Mateusz Siebeneicher (printer), 1564 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart), fol. 404vSIGISMVNDVS I, REX POLONIAE, MAGNVS DUX / LITVANIE, RVSSIAE, PRVSSIAE, MASOVIAE SA/MOGITIAE, (et) c(aetera). DOMINVS ET HAERES. / Anno aetatis sue LXXXImajuscule, italics, letterpresscaption or identification of motif
[1511]Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Zadkiel. Part of Set of seven archangels5arabic numeralnumbering
[1509]Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Chamuel. Part of Set of seven archangelsPRINCIPATUS CHAMAEL / Nos Israel luctans superat Consolor in horto / Luctantem morti, poculo quando timet /majuscule, italicscaption or identification of motif
[1508]Crispin (I) de Passe (designer), Crispin (I) de Passe (printmaker), Archangel Jophiel. Part of Set of seven archangelsCHERUBIM IOPHIEL / Vindicibus gladiis expellimus omne pro fanam / venditor ex templo qu(a)m et Adam fugemajuscule, italicscaption or identification of motif
[1504]Noah's Ark (Trechsel; Frellon). Part of Set of Old Testament Scenes (Trechsel; Frellon)ARCHA NOImajusculecaption or identification of motif
[1499]Bartolommeo Mazza (printmaker), Practice of the visual arts (Bertelli)Bartolomeus Mazza fe(cit)italicssignature or reference to actorprintmaker
[1496]Maarten de Vos (designer), Jan (I) Sadeler (printmaker), Adoration of the Christ-childMaria peperit filium suum (...) non erat ei locus in diuersorio. Luc: IIitalicscommentary or explanation, citation
[1495]Maarten de Vos (designer), Jan (I) Sadeler (printmaker), Adoration of the Christ-childMDLXXXIIroman numeraldate
[1494]Virgil Solis (printmaker), Ahimelech Giving the Sword of Goliath to David (Feyerabend). Part of Solis's set for Frankfurt Bibles (Feyerabend)1559[shapes], arabic numeraldate
[1493]Hans (II) Bocksberger (designer), Jost Amman (printmaker?), Temple of Solomon (Feyerabend). Part of Set of Bocksberger's and Amman's scenes for Frankfurt Bibles (Feyerabend)Na kompozycji oznaczenia literowe a-g.italics
[1492]Maarten de Vos (designer), Antonius (II) Wierix (printmaker), Christ Giving Fish and Bread to the Apostles after the Resurrection in a florar border with animals. Part of Set of Passion Scenes (Vos; Wierix; Hoeswinckel)21arabic numeralnumbering
[1490]Twelve Tribes of Israel (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher) (Cracow, Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Maius). Part of Subset of biblical scenes (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher). Part of Set of illustrations for Bielski's Chronicle 1554, most in double frames (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher; Lob; Giermański)OCCIDE(N)S | AQVILO | ORIENS | MERIDIESmajuscule, [shapes], latin or roman scriptcaption or identification of motif
[1489]Diego Valadés (printmaker attr.), Allegory of the sign of the crossTRINITATIS VNITA OPERATIO, FRONS CAPITIS VMBI/LICVS Conuersatio interris S[anctae] Crucis usus triplex in ecl[a]esia SINISTRVM BRACCHIVM Passio Descensus ad inferos Porta Coeli DEXTRVM BRACCHIVM Ascensio, Resurrectio Conse/crationis in/strumentum Vmbrae legis signum crucis praefigurantes.majuscule, minusculecaption or identification of motif, commentary or explanation
[1488]Diego Valadés (printmaker attr.), Allegory of the sign of the crossChr(ist)us nos redemit de / maledicto legis factus pro / nobis maledictum ut in / gentibus benedictio fi/eret etc. GAL IIIminusculecommentary or explanation, citation
[1487]Diego Valadés (printmaker attr.), Allegory of the sign of the crossVenite benedicti Patris / mei possidete paratum / uobis regnum a consti/tutione mundi Ma. 25.minusculecommentary or explanation, citation