Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
ID Thing Inscription Text Characteristics Functions Role Mentions
[1797]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Nominatio ad episcopatum Culmensem. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)29arabic numeralnumbering
[1796]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Nominatio ad episcopatum Culmensem. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)NOMINATIO AD EPISCOPATVM CVLMENSEMmajusculetitle
[1795]Monogrammist IS with a shovel (printmaker), Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Anshelm & Albrecht; Egenolff; Behem). Part of Set of gospel scenes (Anshelm & Albrecht; Egenolff; Behem)ISmajuscule, interlaced, monogramsignature or reference to actor
[1794]Numerian (Müller 1537). Part of Set of portrait medallions (Müller)M AVR MVMERIANVS NOBmajusculetitle
[1793]Tomasz Treter (printmaker), Nuntii apostol(ici) a Pio IIII ad caes(arem) Ferd(inandum) munus. Part of Theatrum virtutum Stanislai Hosii (prints)NUNTII AP(osto)L(ici) A PIO III AD CAES(arem) FERD(inandum) MVNVS 47majuscule, arabic numeralnumbering, title
[1792]Jan van der Straet (designer), Adriaen Collaert (printmaker), Birth of MaryIoan. Stradanus inuentor.italicssignature or reference to actordesigner
[1791]Jan van der Straet (designer), Adriaen Collaert (printmaker), Birth of MaryNATA RECENS, QVANTOS, O QVANTOS ANNA PER VMBRAS | EMITTIT CLARO RADIOS VIRGVNCVLA VVLTV.majusculecommentary or explanation
[1788]Jan van der Straet (designer), Adriaen Collaert (printmaker), VisitationVT TVA VIRGO MEAS VOX CLARIOR AVRES | EXILIIT GRAVIDA PAROLES MEMESTRIS IN ALVOmajusculecommentary or explanation
[1787]Giorgio Ghisi (printmaker), Heaven with angels and landscape (state II/II)Haec eadem, | ut illum mirifice ex | se natum alacriter edu|cavit, ita et grandia fa|cientem, gravia tolerantem, | morientem, resurgentem, ad | patrem reduntem, con|spexit, carum mox sequutura fili|umitalicscommentary or explanation
[1786]Giorgio Ghisi (printmaker), Heaven with angels and landscape (state II/II)Maria | Heli.F.omnium | foeminarium feliciss so|la inter virgines foecunda, | parit tot saeculis expec|tatum Salvatorem Me|ssiam. Anno, Mundi. | MMM.DCCCC.LX | pl. mi.roman numeral, italicscommentary or explanation, date
[1785]Giorgio Ghisi (printmaker), Adoration of the Shepherds (state IV/IV)GEORGIVS | GHISVS | MANTVANVS | F. MDLIIImajuscule, [shapes]signature or reference to actorprintmaker
[1832]Pietà (state II/II)INRImajuscule
[1783]Nero (Müller 1537). Part of Set of portrait medallions (Müller)NERO CACES(ar) AUGUSTUSmajusculetitle
[1782]Jan (I) Sadeler (printmaker), Noli me tangereIllae autem accesseruntmajuscule, italicscommentary or explanation, citation
[1774]Crispin Scharffenberg (printmaker attr.), Penitent Woman Anointing the Feet of Christ at the Table of Simon the Pharisee (state I/II). Part of Set of scenes from the life of Christ after Monogrammist IS with a shovel1539arabic numeraldate
[1773]Samuel Anointing a King of Israel (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher) (Cracow, Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Maius). Part of Subset of biblical scenes (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher). Part of Set of illustrations for Bielski's Chronicle 1554, most in double frames (Szarfenberg; Siebeneicher; Lob; Giermański)תךתצשhebrew alphabet
[1772]Abraham Hogenberg (printmaker), Mons Calvariae. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarumDEXTERA DOMINI | FECIT VIRTVTEM. || NICOLAVS ZEBZI|DOVICZE, PALATINVS | ET GENERALIS CRACO|VIENSIS, SNIATHINENQ(ue) | CAPITANEVS EREXIT | FVNDAVIT/ || ANNO CHRI(sti) M.D.C.majusculecommentary or explanation, date
[1771]Abraham Hogenberg (printmaker), Mons Calvariae. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarumS. MICHAEL | DEFEN(de) NOSmajuscule
[1770]Abraham Hogenberg (printmaker), Mons Calvariae. Part of Set of Civitates orbis terrarumIHSmajuscule