Words (Texts, both printed and handwritten)
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[3223]Jan (I) Sadeler (print publisher), Vision of St Hyacinth surrounded by eighteen scenes from his life and miraclesS. IACINCTVS POLONVS, S. DOMINICI SOCIVS ET DISCIPVLVS, ET ORDINIS / PRAEDICATORVM PRIMVS IN SEPTENTRIONE FVNDATOR MVLTIS CLARENS / MIRACVLIS, CRACOVIAE REQVIEVIT M.CC.LVII. AETATIS SUAE Ao. LXXIIII. / A CLEMENTE VIII. PONT. OPT. MAX. M.D.XCIIII. XVII. APRILIS CANONIZATUSmajusculecaption or identification of motif, commentary or explanationrepresented person