[T65937] | Pseudo-Oppian, Cynegetica, manuscript (Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | tempera, handwriting | parchment | | | | | | 1050 ‑ 1070 | 1050‑01‑01 | 1070‑12‑31 |
[T9141] | Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 1 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Special Collections) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | watercolour, handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |
[T6586] | Animal drawings collected by Felix Platter (so-called Gessner Albums), vol. 2 (Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Special Collections) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | watercolour, handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |
[T614] | Missale Cracoviense, manuscript (Gniezno, AAG) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | | parchment | | | | | | | | |
[T8965] | Manuel Philes, Τοῦ σοφωτάτου καὶ λογιωτάτου κυρίου Μανουήλου τοῦ Φιλῆ... (Harvard, 1565), manuscript (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | pen, pencil, washes, handwriting | parchment: vellum | | | | | | 1565 | 1565‑01‑01 | 1565‑12‑31 |
[T83489] | Ex vita beati Casimiri, manuscript. Part of Vitae et officia Sanctorvm et alia monvmenta collecta ab Ant.o Gallonio Romano, Antonio Gallonio (compiler), manuscript (Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana) | manuscript | | handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |
[T83486] | Vitae et officia Sanctorvm et alia monvmenta collecta ab Ant.o Gallonio Romano, Antonio Gallonio (compiler), manuscript (Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana) ⛁ | manuscript | set or complex object | pasting or inserting, handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |
[T6015] | Thomas Cantipratensis, Liber de natura rerum, manuscript (Wrocław, BUWr) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | tempera, gilding, handwriting | parchment | | | | | | 1301 ‑ 1400 | 1301‑01‑01 | 1400‑12‑31 |
[T2407] | [Chronica ordinis fratrum minorum] (Warsaw, BN) ⛁ | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | pen, washes, handwriting | paper | | | | | | 1491 | 1491‑01‑01 | 1491‑12‑31 |
[T5662] | Matutinale beatae Mariae quod dicitur laus virginum (Manchester, John Rylands Library) ⛁ | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | | | | | | | | 1417 | 1417‑01‑01 | 1417‑12‑31 |
[T6003] | Jacob Maerlant, Der naturen bloeme, manuscript (The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek) ⛁ | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | tempera, gilding, handwriting | parchment | | | | | | 1330 ‑ 1360 | 1330‑01‑01 | 1360‑12‑31 |
[T8977] | Thomas Cantipratensis, Liber de natura rerum, manuscript (Cracow, BJ) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | tempera, handwriting | parchment | | | | | | 1430 ‑ 1450 | 1430‑01‑01 | 1450‑12‑31 |
[T82665] | Albert, Duke of Prussia, [Gebet- und Psalmenbuch, von Herzog Albrecht von Preußen für seine Gemahlin Dorothea von Dänemark eigens verfasst und zusammengestellt], manuscript (Wolfenbüttel, HAB) | manuscript | | handwriting | parchment: vellum | | | | | | | | |
[T601] | Erazm Ciołek's Missal, manuscript (Warsaw, BN) | manuscript | set or complex object: bound volume: codex | tempera, gilding, handwriting | parchment | | | | | | | | |
[T82543] | Mikołaj Hussowski, De statura, feritate ac venatione Bisontis, manuscript (Kórnik, BK PAN) | manuscript | | handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |
[T82540] | O żubrze, jego postaci, dzikości i polowaniu na niego, Jan Kasprowicz (translator), manuscript (Cracow, BJ) | manuscript | | handwriting | | | | | | | | | |
[T82454] | André Baião, Memoriae rerum gestarum ab illustriss.... DD. Joanne Zamoscio, magno cancellario regni Poloniae... ejusque... filio... D. Thomae Zamoscio... panegyricus, manuscript (Warsaw, BN) | manuscript | | handwriting | | | | | | | | | |
[T82457] | André Baião, Memoriae rerum gestarum ab illustriss.... DD. Joanne Zamoscio, magno cancellario regni Poloniae... ejusque... filio... D. Thomae Zamoscio... panegyricus, manuscript (Warsaw, BN) | manuscript | | handwriting | | | | | | | | | |
[T82453] | Pamięci czynów Jana Zamoyskiego ... pochwała, manuscript (Warsaw, BN) | manuscript | | handwriting | | | | | | | | | |
[T6002] | Jadwiga Mielecka, née Kormanicka, Letter of Jadwiga Mielecka to Giacomo Lauro, manuscript. Part of Album Amicorum of Giacomo Lauro (Rome, BSR) | manuscript | | handwriting | paper | | | | | | | | |