Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
Thing Type Image
[T85960]Wisent (Warsaw, MNW)paintingoilwood4663701701 ‑ 18001701‑01‑011800‑12‑31
[T82945]Nicasius Bernaerts (painter?), Siberian roe deer? (Paris, Musée du Louvre)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvas6505401601 ‑ 17001601‑01‑011700‑12‑31
[T84819]John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough (London, NPG)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvas104112571689 ‑ 16911689‑01‑011691‑12‑31
[T84030]Translation of the Holy House of the Most Blessed Virgin from Nazareth to Dalmatia and from there to Loreto (Loreto, Museo Pinacoteca della Santa Casa)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvas16701000
[T196]Diptych with Scenes from the Life of Christ ("Sigismund II Augustus's Altarpiece") (Cracow, MNK, MCzart)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptychgilding, oilwood460430
[T82946]Nicasius Bernaerts (painter attr.), Beaver from Canada (Paris, Musée du Louvre)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvas7309201601 ‑ 16781601‑01‑011678‑12‑31
[T81899]Raffaello Sanzio (painter), Julius II (London, The National Gallery)paintingoilwood: poplar810108715111511‑01‑011511‑12‑31
[T55907]Pietro Faccini (painter), Vision of St Hyacinth (location unknown, private collection)paintingoilmetal: copper2503201594 ‑ 16021594‑01‑011602‑12‑31
[T17331]Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Pułtusk, Collegiate church of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament)paintingsingle pieceoiltextile: canvasaltarpiece or part of15591559‑01‑011559‑12‑31
[T114]Mateusz Kossior (painter), Holy Trinity (Cracow, MNK)painting: panel paintingsingle pieceoilwoodaltarpiece or part of1540214015961596‑01‑011596‑12‑31
[T62204]Lavinia Fontana (painter), Vision of St Hyacinth (Rome, Church of Santa Sabina, Chapel of St Hyacinth)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvasaltarpiece or part of2202501599 ‑ 16001599‑01‑011600‑12‑31
[T58069]Battle of Orsha (Warsaw, MNW)painting: panel paintingtempera, oilwood: oak260016501525 ‑ 15501525‑01‑011550‑12‑31
[T55901]Lodovico Carracci (painter), Vision of St Hyacinth (Paris, Musée du Louvre)painting: panel paintingoiltextile: canvas22337518 June 1594 ‑ 31 December 15941594‑06‑181594‑12‑31
[T20563]Federico Zuccaro (painter), Calumny of Apelles (Molesey, Hampton Court)paintingoiltextile: canvas235014461569 ‑ 15721569‑01‑011572‑12‑31
[T17330]Hans von Aachen (painter), Martyrdom of St Sebastian (Munich, St Michael's Jesuit Church)paintingoiltextile: canvasaltarpiece or part of15941594‑01‑011594‑12‑31
[T3747]Resurrection. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)paintingset or complex object: poliptych: wing or side paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3746]Typus Ecclesiae Catholicae. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptych: central paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3745]Adoration of the Shepherds. Part of Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptych: wing or side paneloilwoodmemorial painting
[T3744]Johannes Hopffe (painter), Wrisberg Epitaph (Hildesheim, Dommuseum)painting: panel paintingset or complex object: poliptychoilwoodmemorial painting1585 ‑ 15911585‑01‑011591‑12‑31
[T17406]Federico Barocci (painter), Visitation (Rome, Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella (Chiesa Nuova))paintingoiltextile: canvasaltarpiece or part of1583 ‑ 15861583‑01‑011586‑12‑31